Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@MTisNutz you’re right. Wednesday for Muhlenberg. I can’t keep my days straight!

Does Marymount Manhattan have a “priority” waitlist?

@Looney2020 - when we were at the orientation some people were there for BFA MT and some for theater and performance. Class wise they take a lot of core classes. There is no dance - but you can minor in dance to get that. Also, there are no vocal private lessons so you would have to do vocal privates by yourself. In terms of performance - there are a TON of performance opportunities at Emerson and open to all so its not a bad option if this is a school you really liked…

In addition to BFA programs D also applied to BA programs - she just got acceptance to Skidmore this morning - anyone have information on that theater program or could suggest a thread? TIA

@DivaStageMom Congratulations on the Skidmore acceptance!

I’ve heard very good things about Skidmore, but I’ve also been told (probably not what you want to hear based on the challenges we face) that it’s essential for prospective students to visit this school one or two times to assess fit: some come away with a “this is my home” feel whereas others are definitely lukewarm (relative to the other options they have). There’s definitely an artsy community and a jock community there, and I don’t know what other communities exist there too.

No MT – only straight theater if that matters.

Try to watch all online videos you can find on Skidmore (both official and unofficial), and talk to anyone you may know there. Even if you could visit now, the ambiance wouldn’t reflect what it’s like “normally” anyways. I know someone who is a freshman studying nursing but also interested in dabbling in theater, but I don’t know how her freshman year has gone (an atypical year for sure). I know a wonderful senior in Maryland who has just been accepted and she / her parents are excited about Skidmore.

Here is what my friend (her daughter just admitted) said:

-Robust liberal arts curriculum
-Attractive dining hall with great vegan options. (Ranked in the top 20 for “best food” by Princeton Review.) Open from 7 am -11 pm on weekdays.
-Fantastic theatre program. During our tour, we peeked in on the Acting for the Camera class which had a guest teacher from The Marvelous Mrs Maisel…an alumnus, I believe!
-Beautiful dance facilities – two huge studios.
-Super cool special events including a yearly college comedy festival and Beatlemore, a Beatles salute
-Very friendly students. We went up a second time to see Cabaret and daughter wound up easily striking up conversations in the theatre lobby with current students.

So with the mention of Cabaret, I guess they do some musicals; I was told previously, they don’t do them.

@Twelfthman - Thanks so much!!

Has anyone heard from UWSP? I know of one person who received an email last Friday for Acting (via the MT parents board) but otherwise…crickets. Anyone? Thanks!

Re: Skidmore…
Has great theater program. No, it is not MT and no, the department doesn’t put on musicals, I believe. But the student run theater group (called Cabaret) does put on musicals. Further, this school is very strong in dance. I imagine you could piece together theater, dance, and music at this school. It is one I recommend as a BA option to my students who are strong enough academically.

@rickle1 Had she been on the waitlist?

Any info on Indiana WL? Is there a way to politely find out where you are in the waitlist? Do you know how many they hold on the WL? Is there a priory WL or just regular? How do they take people off the WL- random or by type? Now that we can’t visit to express more interest what are people doing? D is very interested in getting off the WL… had been told not to worry about WL at auditions as WL moves but we know this year there have been a lot more applicants and not all got off the WL last year.

@frisbee3 no insights here but we are on IU waitlist as well. if you find out the answers to any of those questions please do share. My Daughter reached out to the program head upon being waitlisted, he replied in a day or two but that was before this corona thing got out of control

@DivaStageMom congrats on Skidmore. I live about 20 minutes from there. It is a well respected school with a great campus in a beautiful location. Saratoga is amazing . The school is known locally for being very artsy and very preppy with most students coming from upper class income families. I do know of some kids who chose not to attend or transferred because they felt that they wouldn’t have enough money to keep up with the other kids. The theatre program is top notch as is the dancing . Downtown Saratoga has a lot to offer . It was a big deal in the area when Madonna’s daughter toured Skidmore when she was looking at schools. It was too close to home for my daughter . Great choice. Congrats !

Re: my post about Skidmore in #1588…slight edit is that I said that I believed that the department itself does not put on musicals, it seems they put on Cabaret (the musical) in a recent season, but most seasons do not include musicals. However, as I posted previously, there is a student run group that puts on musicals and the group itself is called Cabaret. When my girls were young, they saw many musicals put on by the Cabaret group at Skidmore as their grandparents live in Saratoga Springs.

@dramamama3 - Thanks - she has a few other BA options she hasn’t heard from kind of like Skidmore - small, liberal arts etc… Just with no accepted students days it’s so hard to weight the choices - I know I am preaching to the choir here!

@MTDad2024 Yes D was on the Molloy ‘Priority Waitlist’ . The letter said something about them immediately going to that list if there was any movement. Happened quickly and the acceptance letter came with all the other scholarship offer letters. Very generous by the way.

@rickle1 Thanks. Congrats to your D.

@MTDad2024 Thank you and good luck to you and your family.

S got a Yes from Emerson BFA Acting which gives us a “Boston Option.” His older sister is at NEU. He is still waiting to hear from BoCo. He is also on the WL for MT at MMC. Just looking at our own situation, S is lucky to have options and thankfully we were able to visit most of the schools he applied to last summer. Hoping you and your loved ones are healthy and safe. Good vibes to all!

@NYYFanNowMTdad -Can I message you? I have a question