Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@TexasMTDad and @Alisa - I got the same impression from Syracuse when my DD was at her on campus audition by several things they said during the program overview.

@Bingosings absolutely will let you know if we hear anything about an OCU accepted students group, but to this point- crickets

@AnxiousNovice Congrats on all the wonderful acceptances! Re: Wagner. When my D did not get a letter (after it seemed like almost everyone had heard), she reached out to her Admissions Counselor who sent her an email copy of the letter. I donā€™t think it could hurt to reach out to your counselor via email. (I donā€™t know if they are able to access email during university closure, but, hopefully, they can.) Best of luck to you and congrats again to your D!!

@AnxiousNovice - my son also reached out to his counselor, who apologized for the delay and said she hoped he would have his letter by the end of next week.

@MTdreamin - did your D ask for the letter, or did the counselor provide it unprompted? My S didnā€™t ask about a decision just a confirmation that the letter was sent because he knew they had gone out a week ago and he hadnā€™t received his. I wonder if he should email back and ask? Iā€™m guessing if it was good news the counselor would have sent him a copy of the letterā€¦ugh, now Iā€™m back to being anxious!

Wow! Thanks so much for all the wonderful messages of congratulations!

@TenaciousC @BloomingGirl Among others, thanks for congrats. Means a lot. Hesitant to post good news but hoping it gives others some hope. Will post a few more specific comments separately to others who sent congrats.

@intheburbs @NYYFanNowMTdad @onette Such a surreal time indeed. On the one hand, the virus puts life (and this whole process) into perspective. On the other hand, it adds to anxiety of helping our kids end up in the best place for them without visits. @intheburbs I am so sorry that you kidsā€™ shows were canceled. I am so grateful that my Dā€™s was not. She just got hers in the weekend before things exploded. She had the lead role (Mary Poppins) for the first time in her life so it would have been devastating. Hope yours have dealt with disappointment better than we would have done! @NYYFanNowMTdad Demoralizing times for sure but hang in there. My D is proof that things can turn around and focusing on all those who are recovering safely from the virus (who the media do not cover but who my son charts daily) has been helping us stay positive.

@modanbsmt001 @DoodleMT132 @MTdreamin @theatrekidmom Thanks for all of your info on Wagner. Weird that @modanbsmt001 got letter 3/13 while the other three of you got nothing. I will have D reach out today. Maybe @DoodleMT132 should do the same and we can compare notes afterwards?

@StanfordAI2019 Thanks for info on PP financial aid letter timing. Even a small amount will help. I will hate to force my D to make decision based on finances and it is really hard for us to demonstrate our true need because on paper you cannot tell that my husbandā€™s company is about to go into bankruptcy. Hope you get some aid as well.

@TimeToFindInfo Thanks for info on CCM. Seems weird that 4/1 is date since others received decisions during first week of March but maybe those were MT? Or maybe it is dependent on when you audition? My D auditioned at Chicago Unifieds. How about you?

@rickle1 Thanks for info on SCAD and Savannah. I attended a conference in Savannah a few years ago and had the same impressions of the city as you did so that is very validating. My D thinks she will hate the south but has never been there and loves the heat so I really want to take her there if at all possibleā€“if nothing else to see the city.

As for SCAD Performing Arts program itself, we know basically what you posted so thanks for confirming what we have heard. My D does have reservations about the lack of MT opportunities but I, as a parent, love the casting/job placement numbers. Also, my D loves visual arts and tech theater and has had to sacrifice a lot of that in high school in order to do performance so SCAD does have that appeal.

I will post our observations if we ever get there so that upcoming classes can benefit. Seems like they are trying to build their program but it is somewhat unknown (known mostly for visual arts) so very few folks consider applying for Performing Arts. I can say now that they have been fabulous to work with and gave my D a terrific financial aid package so the program is definitely worth checking out, especially since they do walk-ins at Unififeds and auditions are only for scholarships.

Congratulations, @AnxiousNovice !! What great choices your D now has! Thereā€™s been a lot written about Muhlenberg on these boards. We really liked it on our visit there last fall. Program is solid. Lots of leveled dance class options and you can take voice too. My S sat in on an acting class and really liked it. We know some professional artists (an actor, a singer, and a designer) who graduated from there and they speak highly of the place. Chose it over conservatories, even. Good luck with your decision. Especially in this weird time. <3

@AnxiousNovice ā€“ great update! You mentioned that your D didnā€™t get a merit scholarship from Point Park. I believe they just sent them out on Monday, so there still may be an offer coming from them too.

@DivaStageMom I was so glad to read that you (and others) reacted to my post in a positive way. In the past, I have grimaced at folks posting in what seems like a bragging way (maybe my own chip on my shoulder) about Yesā€™s so I was a bit concerned that my post could be read that way as well (especially by those unfamiliar with all of my Dā€™s early struggles). That is why I purposefully included all of my Dā€™s Noā€™s first to give perspective. Also, for those of you who have followed my Dā€™s journey and are still waiting for some Yesā€™s (as well as those in future classes), I hope that my Dā€™s story will give you some hope. My D had only one true Yes as of 3/3 and within two weeks she racked up 5 more! Things can certainly turn around quickly in this process.

One other thing that we learned that I would like to point out (mostly for future classes but also for those still waiting to hear). My D has been most successful (at least so far, fingers crossed) at schools that make at least part of their admission decision based on academics.

For example, SCAD (BFA), Northwestern (BA with MT certificateā€“though much harder to get into academically than most others), and Muhlenberg (BA but performing BA at school with MT opportunities and without a BFA to drain course and performance opportunities) are 100% academic decisions.

Wagner (which only auditions those who are first admitted academically), American (BA but a performing BA at a school with MT opportunities and without a BFA to drain course and performance opportunities) and Emerson (though pre-screen so possible rejection or redirect before academics are considered) are 50/50.

There are other schools that will offer you a BA Theatre (or even BA MT, in the case of Columbia CC) based on academics even if you do not pass your prescreen and/or audition (e.g., Pace, Point Park, Millikin, Syracuse, Montclair, Marymountā€“there are likely others). As has been posted here, not all of these programs are second-class citizens to BFA programs, even if you get redirected (e.g. Emerson) or are only offered admission to a BA program. That is something you would want to investigate. My D strongly prefers to do a BFA program (even if it is Acting instead of MT) unless she gets/got into a school like Northwestern, Muhlenberg, Wagner, or American, where the BA program is a true performance-oriented BA but that is a personal choice.

So my point is, if your grades and scores are strong, I highly recommend finding and considering these types of schools.

@tsamuique Thanks for Muhlenberg info. Sounds great but curious as to why you woudl choose over a conservatory? Because of BA? Program quality? Other?

I agree. The thing I really like about SCAD is the whole school is an artsy environment (hence the name). So every kid is artistic or creating something. D attends a performing arts HS magnet which has the traditional kids and the arts kids (theater, tech, tv, dance, music, etc.) so that part is more like a SCAD. She spends the second half of each school day in her ā€œmajorā€ surrounded by other artists. Sheā€™s loved that environment.

She also got an incredible scholarship but will likely pass to go to her first love, an MT program. I told her to let them know soon to free up those dollars.

Congratulations @AnxiousNovice ! So happy for your D and you.

@AnxiousNovice My D did do the music scholarship for Wagner. I wonder if that had any impact on when we heard. She did get a nice a music scholarship from them.

@AnxiousNovice - My D also auditioned for CCM Acting in Chicago. I think most of the notifications that went out the other week were for MT, although my D does know one girl who also auditioned in Chicago who got an acting acceptance.

Elon calls are gong out.

Northwesternadmissions instagram states decisions released next Tuesday!