Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

Accepted Muhlenberg (Son(
27K Presidential Scholarship
3.5K Talent

@allfour1 My D also got the WL for Western MI. I just found it in her spam box. Thanks for posting as it inspired us to look around. Good luck!

Reached out to Wagner via email - told last batch of theatre letters went out Tuesday. Not sure if last batch is good or bad.

@AnxiousNovice In the brief conversations I had, the answers were pretty individual. I can tell you that one wanted a fuller college experience where he could double major and the other, if I remember correctly, wanted to study with some particular teachers (don’t ask me the names, I don’t remember!) Conversations were too brief for me to be able to elaborate. But it really just boiled down to individual preferences and needs.

@tsamuique Thanks for follow-up on Muhlenberg. Totally get it. That is part of why I was really hoping for a visit so we could get individualized answers. Maybe in May

@DoodleMT132 Thanks for sharing. My D’ also sent her Wagner Admissions Counselor an email. She has not yet heard back. Will let you know if we hear anything different than what they told you.

@theatrekidmom I actually don’t know if my D asked for a copy of the Wagner letter, or if they just offered to email it. I don’t think I would read too much into not being offered the letter: who knows if the counselor even looked at the contents of the letter before checking the mailing date? Hope your S gets good news soon!

@AnxiousNovice - Yay! So happy for you and your D! And kudos to you for being able to stay off of these CC forums since early March! It’s like a world’s record. :smile:

Point Park - My D was also accepted to the BFA Acting and has not yet received any info about scholarships.

Ball State - The Dept Chair of Theater & Dance is offering 20 min 1-on-1 slots to talk with admitted students. Pretty nice.

@NYYFanNowMTDad - Tied. S also on 5 waitlists: Ohio, Molloy, Western Michigan, Arizona, and Roosevelt. Leaning towards LIU (accepted) but not 100% yet.

good schools on your waitlist for sure. Sit tight you have time!

Hi everyone! I auditioned for Indiana on 2/22 & haven’t heard a peep. When is it appropriate to ask?

@MTDad2024 My S is very close to making his final decision and will be releasing his spots at Roosevelt and Molloy/CAP21. This is my 1st post on CC but I’ve been lurking for a while! Good luck!

@MTMamoo Thanks for congrats and congrats to your D on the Point Park admission. Maybe our Ds will end up as roommates. Looking forward to hearing about PP financial aid next week.

@AnxiousNovice Congrats on more great news for your D! My D just heard from CCM on Tuesday for D&P/Lighting Design, so they are definitely still making offers.

@MTDad2024 @modanbsmt001 @allfour1 Just to let you know , in previous years there has been movement on the waitlist. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out as my D is a sophomore at Western Michigan. Best of luck and hang in there to all the kids(and parents) going through this crazy process in these crazy times. It will get better.

@MI3rdClosingAct Thank you! My D really enjoyed her audition with them. It seems like a fun group of people there.

Ball State extended enrollment deadline to June 1, FYI

Also when is temple releasing decisions? From the March 1st date?

They sent my daughter’s answer to the wrong email so I would definitely reach out. I recommend sending a message through Get Accepted.

Congratulations @Charlie2772 on your acceptance to Muhlenberg! My daughter got in as well and is very happy. Best wishes to you!