Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread

Reread what the instructions say. I believe they don’t want anything else. It is due by February 1st. If you wait 2 weeks you can include it in your Loci form they are asking you for.

If not sure, call or email admissions or your AO but I think it’s pretty clear from what was posted.

Dear brothers and sisters of the deferred gang, hello :confused:
Applied Biology+Pre-Med LSA
OOS (International)
ACT 34 (English 35, Math 36, Reading 29, Science 34, Essay 12/12)
IB Predicted: 42 out of 45
Also, sis is a sophomore at UMich.

@EdEngelm I was accepted early action into the class of 2022, but I have a great many friends who were deferred and even waitlisted. My recommendation for the letter of continued interest, which I also filled out for other schools even after getting into Michigan, is to be honest. Don’t immediately send the letter, but take some time to really mull over the decision you have received and why you want to go to Michigan. I would steer away from highlighting your academics achievement, as they are already well aware of these things. Instead, focus on what makes you truly unique. For my essays for UMICH, I focused on my adoption from Russia and growing up in a rural community, and what I glimpsed about being a human being from these experiences. In regards to the waitlist, I’m not entirely sure if it will help you at Michigan, but I do know that it’s better than being deferred.

@mbeste This helps alot, thank you!
I appreciate you taking the time to respond to me, enjoy your holidays!

So just to be clear as things have changed slightly this year, do we not send in a LOCI through email since we are filling out that form on the Application Portal? Would it hurt us to send in both because we aren’t doing what the admissions office says? On the form it says, " Given the high volume of applicants to the University of Michigan, this form is the only expression of continued interest that will be considered. Therefore, additional information/communications sent outside of this form will not be added to your application."

Is that an indication that they don’t want us to send a LOCI through email?

Question for deferred EA applicants: Yesterday the EA thread was abuzz with a link to the application checklist and it appears admitted applicants had an X by a line item for final HS transcripts. Other EA applicants were showing a new line item for Fall HS Transcript – which seemed to imply they were being deferred. Have you checked the checklist link after receiving your deferral? What does it list? My D does not have any new line item – including for the fall HS transcript – so I’m wondering if that means she is really being rejected because they aren’t really looking for her Fall transcript.

What is the history of when deferred students start to hear? I believe 2/1 is usually a big wave.

@miksma1 There are a couple of places I would check.
First, under “Action Items”, is there a place to write the letter of continued interest?
Second, under the “Application” section, click on the category that says, “Your Application Status.” If they need grades, it should give a message like this: “Checklist Incomplete: Awaiting Required Admissions Materials.”
Finally, under “Messages,” there should be a subcategory that states “Decision Postponed.” The first paragraph of my message reads,
“We have decided to postpone making a decision on your application at this time and your application will be moved into our regular decision pool for consideration. Your high school counselor should submit any new Fall-term grades that are available on your behalf through the Common Application/Coalition Application.”
If you have these three things, then I would assume Fall grades are necessary. If you are missing one of these things, I am not sure what that means… maybe someone else knows? Otherwise I might contact your admissions counselor to double check if you need to submit Fall grades.

Long debated here in prior years. It’s really your call. No right or wrong answer. But I will tell you that deferred students were both admitted with LOCI and without a LOCI. In prior years, some UMich deferrals had the message to send your 1st semester senior year grades, when available, but that doesn’t appear, in some cases, this year with Enrollment Connect.

I will differ with this opinion. In years past there was not a true Michigan concensus. This year there is a clearly written letter to the deferred students. I would follow their rules on this one. They are asking you to use “their” form for the LOCI. Do that
There is also a link if you need to send anything like grades. Your school will forward your current grades to them. Make sure they send them and your form by Feb 1st.

Re the Xs, for those that they requesting fall transcript, could mean the others are rejected, or perhaps that the ones without Xs they are fine with their grades already - i dont have any Xs, but have UM GPA of 3.97 and 35 ACT, @miksma1

Would be interesting of the deferrals to see who has fall transcript request vs. those that do not and what their U of M GPA is. If they were going to reject students that they aren’t requesting fall grades from why wouldnt they just reject them immediately. The suspense continues…

@DG I was deferred from CoE, had uwGPA 3.98, and ACT 27. I have taken/am taking the most rigorous course-load offered at my school plus dual enrollments. UMich requested my Fall grades, my guess is because of my lower ACT, but I don’t know for sure. I know they like to request grades to make sure students don’t get senioritis, but that doesn’t account for those who don’t have to send their Fall grades…

@iEngineerThings. Send what they ask. They might want grades pass the fall term also. Your Act is telling. I don’t remember them taking an engineering student below 28. But there are always exception and your GPA Rocks! This is why they do holistic reviews. They take them very seriously. Write a great Loci on their form. Take your time don’t rush it. They are doing things differently this year and that could bode well for you.

1450 SAT
3.976 UW GPA / 4.322 W
In state
Very solid ECs and activities
I thought very well written essays
LSA —> preferred Ross
If I submit my LOCI right away, what are my chances and what’s the earliest I can hear back?

@Knowsstuff I know another girl in CoE who got in with a 27 a couple years ago. I also made a note in my original application that I realized my ACT was lower, but that I didn’t feel as though it reflected me as a student because I am a straight-A student and have numerous dual enrollments (in math) already. I’ve just never been a great standardized test-taker…
I do plan on spending a good amount of time writing my LOCI.

Side note: Two of my classmates got in. One applied to LSA with uwGPA 4.0, SAT 1460, and the other to CoE with ACT 33 (not sure about gpa). These two were the highest scoring students at my school, though, on ACT/SAT.

@iEngineerThings. Good to know
Seems like you handled it well. I am pulling for you.

My GPA UW is a 3.96 and I didn’t have the line for Fall Grades. In the Message, however, Michigan did ask for me to send my grades from this year. I’m not sure if there are different deferral messages like there were last year.

@Knowsstuff Thank you.
Do you think it would be worth retaking the ACT again? I know Feb 8 is the next earliest test date, so I don’t know if that is too late…
Also, do you have any idea if engineers can participate in MRADS or if you have to be in LSA?

Quick question! I was just wondering how I would know if UMich requested my fall semester grades. When I go to submit my LOCI, there is no link for additional grades to be submitted like people are saying. Do you know where I can check this? Also, is there any way I wouldn’t have to submit updated grades as I have a 3.976 UW GPA right now and do not want it to be seen by UMich if it goes down. Thank you!

@kakashi27 Check out Post #27 above.