Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread


Yes you can. At Michigan engineering students can do just about anything and vice versa.

But first things first we got to get you in.

On the bottom of the page is a contact for Bryon Enchos. Email him with your questions. He is pretty honest and upfront and extremely helpful.

@iEngineerThings UMich will probably begin releasing RD decisions on either Thursday/Friday 1/30-1/31 or Thursday/Friday 2/6-2/7

Taking the ACT on February 8th is WAY too late.

@Knowsstuff The only thing that makes me feel hesitant about emailing anyone in admissions right now is that I know their emails are blowing up post-EA-decisions and I donā€™t want to sound overbearingā€¦ Also Iā€™m not really sure what I would ask. Do you mean mention my ACT score again / ask for his honest opinion on it / ask if there is any way I could prove my intellectual competence that might compensate for my lower score?

@sushiritto Yeah, I guess youā€™re rightā€¦

People that I have sent to him all told me he has been extremely helpful in their eventual acceptance. Follow your gut.

Would appreciate thoughts on a deferral and the X theory. Also posted on EA thread.

Student has no line for final transcript and no line for fall grades. GPA 4.5 W/4.0 UW. SAT 1330, OOS, LSA. There are 4 green checks next to counselor rec, teacher rec, test scores, high school transcript.

There is NOT a green check next to application, just a a rectangular icon that if you hover over it says Status: Document Received.

Is it possible that they never opened and read the application and just deferred anyway (perhaps since the SAT score was low)? Anyone else have this?

I hesitate to even ask the question and make the inference since I believe the admissions folks work their butts off for months and this could just be a glitch. But also want to manage expectations as student works on LOCI essay (love that the ā€œrewardā€ for a deferral is ANOTHER 250 word essay - might have just been easier to apply RD) and student asks counselor to submit available grades as requested in the decision postponed letter.

Thanks in advance for any insights!

Also, in the application status section it says ā€œChecklist complete. All required admissions materials received.ā€

@Lawmama91 I have a similar situation: lower test score but high gpa. I also have a rectangular icon next to ā€œApplicationā€ which says ā€œreceivedā€. I have green checks everywhere else, and one red X for my fall grades. I feel very confident that they have read my application as I had been in communication with them throughout the process. Personally, I trust that they got through everything. I donā€™t know that it would do much to email them about it, but thatā€™s just me.

I heard from a parent of an accepted student in the EA thread that they have the icon too. Phew!!

Do we think Michigan was able to read all the EA apps this year?

Are you being asked to submit fall grades? Anyone else from deferred EA? We are not and like @Lawmama91 have a little rectangular icon next to Application which says hovering ā€œdocument receivedā€.

ā€œDecision postponedā€ gang wyaaaaa?

@FoxRulz Yes, I must submit fall grades.

4.04 WGPA 3.56 UW
32 ACT
Good course rigor

Strong ECs
From IL

Strong Why Michigan - was able to shadow two classes last year. Lots of great detail about the film television and media department. Pretty obvious Mich is my first choice but never stated that directly.

Strong Common App Essay

First rec - 7/10 passionate English teacher. Did fairly well in his class but didnā€™t know him too personally

Second Rec - 9/10 math teacher who Iā€™ve known for years. Knows me extremely well inside and outside of the class room

Third Rec - 10/10 - arts teacher that can comment both on my personality, and knows my deep appreciation for the arts.

Brother is a junior at U of M

Writing a LOCI and will submit my first semester grades that are the best semester of high school Iā€™ve ever had.

Please Chance me/any advice for next steps.

This is exactly what is happening with me. I had a 1450 and 3.976 UW GPA and thought my essays and ECs were very good. I have the four green checks and then for application it just says received. Iā€™m beginning to feel like they didnā€™t even have a chance to get to my application as I submitted it near November 1st (like the night before). Hopefully if they actually read my application I can get in RD but weā€™ll see!

DS submitted his LOCI this morning. Looked very good to me. CoE. 33 ACT, 4.2 uwGPA (I donā€™t get it either), Good ECs.

No line for fall grades in his check list, but he will be asking GC to send anyway (Aā€™s and A+'s). Has several acceptances in his pocket, but I would like to see winning streak continue. Best of luck to all deferrals.

@Lawmama91 I might be wrong but I think that the gray icon is meant to represent a PDF file. I know that the Common Application sends applications to colleges via PDF so it only makes sense to assume thats what it means. Additionally, all my other schools seemed to use the same icons for their checklists and every college used the gray icon for the ā€œApplicationā€ portion of the list.

My son had this, but he has a 1570, so doubt it is the SAT. Also deferred.

Do they send an email letter that tells you are deferred, or any kind of letter? because I did not get one. However, they say my decision is postponed.


This might answer your question. The other sections might be helpful also

When will Michigan release the next decisions? Iā€™ve heard of kids who got accepted two weeks after EA deferral. How common is that?