Class of 2028 - General Engineering admission advice needed

If you go under “My Documents” in AIS and select “Upload Documents,” you’ll be given the option of uploading LORs. As I recall, you have to first select the file to be uploaded, and then it’ll let you select the type of document from a drop-down menu.

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Do you think I need a LOR with my son’s stats? Because now we have to get Texas A&M specific LOR. Our other LORs came from alumni at specific schools.

LOR in your case is not for admission, but for scholarships. Especially Brown Foundation since your son is valedictorian and high scores. Your son should at least have a phone interview.

There is a separate LOR for Engineering honor after gaining admission.

NO INTEREST in Brown Foundation Honors. He is not interested in mandatory research and does not want to be forced into Engineering Honors dorms. He just wants his Mech Engineering BS and then MBA, “back to back” wherever he can get that.

ok then LOR is not needed.

Note that, Engineering Honors don’t have to live in the “Honor dorms”, only about 20% Engineering Honor students live in the honor dorms.

Brown Foundation is mainly a scholarship that is full ride and may also cover graduate school. There is no mandatory research. Brown Scholars have first hand opportunities in internships. Maintaining GPA is the only tough part but most have no problem doing that.

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Then you should apply to Alabama and their STEM to MBA which is a program set up for this. Perhaps others have but this is the one I’m most familiar and I think is best known.

But, and I’m old school, much better if he gets his MechE and then works a few years before going back vs. going straight through - because you lose the advantage an MBA gives you - upward mobility, potential for career pivot, and not to mention potentially a hefty salary increase. When you get an MBA immediately after undergrad and you go to get hired, you’re barely better than an entry level employee - I’ve seen it many time. Same job, maybe $5K more. Really a waste on so many cases.

STEM Path to the MBA - Manderson Graduate School of Business


@jimdlt1 if he’s interested in Finance, he should look into TAMU Mays ‘STEM to Stocks’-it’s a 4+1 program offered. Very popular!
Here’s the link for the Club, associated with the program.

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My son applied to TAMU Engineering a couple of weeks ago. Is AP calc required to be considered for admission? My son is taking regular Calc in his senior year due to a lack of AP Calc availability in his high school.

Other Stats
GPA: 3.92 UW
SAT-1510: 720 verbal and 790 Math
Class Rank: 1st Quarter
5AP’s in Junior yr and taking 3 in senior yr
Average EC’s and average essays

Check with the school. But I don’t think any Calculus is required. It isn’t at most colleges. It’s good to have and rigor matters of course but I don’t believe it’s a requirement.

The school says this and doesn’t note by major. They recommend ‘ * 4 years of Mathematics - Three of the courses should be Algebra I, II and Geometry’

Ps most colleges note there’s no penalty for not taking classes unavailable to you.

You’d likely repeat Calc 1 when you get there - which is smart anyway and he’ll be off to a good start grade wise because A&M has strict grade requirements to select the engineering discipline of choice.

Good luck.

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Can anybody specifically speak to Out of State “high achiever” Engineering acceptance timeline that “has been through the process” and not heard 2nd hand thanks.

With that SAT score your son should be fine. If already completed application now should be getting admission before winter break.

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Refreshing Howdy constantly. One item to mention my son did NOT apply for Cadet Corps, but yes stats are promising. We shall see…

WHOO HOO!! Got my 7 Tabs this morning when I checked at 0805am Eastern Time.
Howdy Portal>Dashboard>Overview is good to go :+1:
Lists Major as Mech Engineering Freshman Fall 2024 and a Blank Fall 2024 Schedule has populated as well.
Now I just have to find the Housing Deposit Link.
That may not present itself until AIS is updated.

OK, Aggies I need an assist with Housing. Portal Login is not working A&M credentials that work for Howdy and AIS.
Thanks, AGGIE Dad Jim

Hi Jim, Just curious, shouldnt it read Major: ENGE - General Engineering Program: BAC-ENGE ME etc.
Does it say the Major is Mechanical Engg?

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@laurenschwertner Aggie Eng specific thread

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It takes some time to update. It updates in batches. Keep checking. It will happen soon. Congrats.


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Calculus is not required for frosh admission to Texas A&M (engineering or otherwise), according to Apply Now | Texas A&M University Engineering and .

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