Class Registration

<p>Because of travel reasons I will not be attending Day on Campus. This said I will have to register for classes over the phone after July 8th. Does anyone have an idea about class avaliability at this point in the registration process. I will be in the freshman engineering program, and I will test out of Composition and other gen ed classes (gov, history, spanish). Will I still get the engineering, math, and science classes I need?</p>

<p>go to <a href=""&gt;;/a> and click on the department of the class. then you'll see a list of classes offered by the department, and to the right of that, it'll show the number of spaces available. that'll help you get an idea.</p>

<p>CK, thanks for the great link. It's interesting to see and compare classes son has or might have.</p>

<p>clrlake? If I remember correctly, you can't "test out" of Composition. Seems I remember my son wanted to try and was told "no" but maybe I am confusing it with something else like communications? Of course there are always AP scores to get you out of things: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p> are thinking about communications. That one is tough to test out of (who takes 2 com classes in high school?, I had one semester) anyway, thats the same link I found as far as classes go. Things are filling up pretty quick, hopefully my advisor can pull some strings. Does anyone know if you are automatically placed in classes?</p>

<p>the com 114 test out is NOT difficult, despite what you've heard. getting an A in com 114 is rather difficult, partly because of the arbitrary nature by way you are graded, also the arbitrary nature by which you will receive an instructor (some instructors are MUCH easier). in fact i probably did more work in com 114 second semester than i did for my math & physics classes combined. i had tried to test out of the com 114 w/out ever taking any speech classes before. however i had no ide athat you were actually supposed to study (study material is available online) for the exam, and i only missed the test-out cutoff by one question, just be making good educated guesses. so study a little and test out while you can. it was one of only 2 B's i ended up getting 2nd semester, so dont think its a blow off class</p>

<p>and ONLY the AP English LANGUAGE will give you credit for the english composition. the AP English LITERATURE exam will give you credit for engl 2--(something). it gives you credit for some other class and DOES NOT COUNT FOR FRESHMAN COMPOSITION CREDIT. i believe the only way you can get out of the class if by taking the AP, and from my friends i heard from some that do almost nothing (guranteed A's) and some that are pretty arbitrary (like com 114). i tested out of the class so i can't throw in my own 2 cents. but i would suggest changing to an easier teacher if you get a difficult one.</p>

<p>hdotchar: Is it too late during Boiler Gold Rush to test out of COM114? That would give son some time to look over the study guide. He already had his day on campus and the advisor talked him out of taking the COM114 test. Listening to you, I wish he would have tried.</p>

<p>I read in a brochure that you can take the written test for COM114 at DOC and then at Boiler Gold Rush you have to give an 8 minute persuasive speech. Now that you missed the test at DOC, maybe you could take the test AND give the speech. But, I would have the 8 min. speech ready to give at BGR. Call the advisor and ask; they have to give you a signed permission sheet to take any test.</p>

<p>Thanks Tookie, now I remember reading that. I'll ask son if he wants to do that.</p>

<p>i was almost certain that they would give you the topics for the oratory form of the speech after you had already passed the written part. i think you are given something like 3 wks to prepare for it. i'm certain that you can arrange a test-out during boiler gold rush though and probably they can arrange for you have a oral exam sooner. i know the oral exam is something persuasive and includes forms of visual aids or something like that. i'm not too clear on the second half, as i didn't pass the written part.</p>

<p>I also couldn't attend day on campus and had to email the academic advisor. She said that she will preregister me for the first semester courses and the scheduling system will randomly assign class meetings and places.
I don't know how many places are left and I'll probably get the leftovers like the class at 7:30 in the morning...ugh....I also wanted to test out of chem 115 and COM 114 but that will have to wait. So if I place out of chem 115 during BGR...I dont know if I'll be able to take Chm 116 because there are no places left right now...ahh this is so frustating...I also dont know if I can take my econ elective class that I my schedule seems loaded.</p>

<p>Thanks for bearing with my rant.</p>

<p>see if you can attend a different day on campus, that's what i did last year when i couldn't make it to mine. i wouldn't be TOO worried about not being able to take chm 116 1st semester (one of the more difficult A's i had to work for). you can always take phys 152 first, which i think will probably benefit you more if your looking to get ahead. chemistry isn't nearly as important to you (i'm assuming your not going into chemE or MsE)</p>

<p>keep this in mind everyone here: if during the year you know you will not do good in a class, you should look at a community college near you and see if they offer the class there, drop the course and simply take it over the summer. usually you can gauge if the workload is too much before the drop date. no one will laugh at you for dropping chemistry or physics, just make sure you CAN take it and purdue will take credit for it.</p>

<p>thanks for your advice hdotchar. do you know if there are some openings in class when some people drop the courses are you put on a waiting list for those courses</p>

<p>Btw - I want to go for EE.</p>

<p>Be careful about credits transferring from a CC, especially in physics! We are going through a mess now. Son took physics through his high school AP Physics C (got 4 on the Mech AP and 5 on the Elec & Mag AP) and also he paid for college credit for this class through a community college. Purdue is saying that in physics they will not recognize the placement or credit from the CC because it was not taught by a professor from the CC but a professor at a high school. (who btw, was approved!) We are still going back and forth on this but right now it's very frustrating as son is certainly way beyond PHY 152 yet he might have to take it again?? He loves physics and wants to move on. At least it's not a first semester class, gives us time to argue. Ok, there's my rant, lol!</p>

<p>wow you son got a 5 on the E&M? that's very impressive considering its much more difficult than than the mechanics portion. usually the kids that score a 5 on the physics AP (hardest ap in my opinion). i took mechanics (152) again because i'm not really too sure how i actually got a 5 on that exam, but anyways it was an easy A for me. </p>

<p>basically when you take a community college course you will always need to fill out a CTR500 form. you can do this over the phone or on campus. upon approval by the department (you will receive your ctr500 form approx 2 wks after you ask for one) you will get an answer from the engineering education dept that will approve it or not. after that you can go nuts can take that class. just have you son test out of phys 152 at a test-out date. i'm sure he can pass the test-out if he got a 5 on the E&M, which i believe is the most difficult AP out there.</p>

<p>i knew someone in my MA 271 who had also tested out of mechanics + E&M and enjoyed physics a lot. i believe he was taking modern physics. what math is your son going to be in? because that may the only limitation that may prevent him from taking modern physics. (multivariable calculus 174/261/271) is required as a prereq i believe for some higher level physics</p>

<p>if your son doens't test out of phys 152, just have him take it first sem. i thought it was going to be more challenging, and re-took it (had placement already) thinking i needed a better grasp on the material. although there is some work involved, i almost never studied for the class and got an A in it.</p>

<p>Thank hdotcher. Son took physics in 10th, AP B in 11th and then AP C in 12th grade. He didn't take the AP B test, just the C test. He was very surprised he did so good on the E&M part, lol. He loves the class and therefore wants to move on. Can I ask you who to ask for the CT500 form? and if the testout day is before school starts? Thanks again for your help.</p>

<p>He just got his Calc test back too and got a 5 on the BC so his advisor said she would move him from MA 173 to MA 271 and then MA351 the second semeter. So far though, son has not seen his online schedule change. He's going to email her again on Monday and ask why it hasn't as he already purchased the MA 271 book! It looks like there is plenty of room in MA 271 so we aren't too concerned yet. Thanks for your help.</p>

<p>i'm not too sure who to ask for CTR500 form. i just call ask to be redirected to the engineering education department. afterwards i just say i'm looking for someone to help me fill out a CTR500 form. usually these are filled out before taking classes at another college. </p>

<p>i took the same sequence of classes, but i comboed MA 351 (honors linear algebra) w/ MA 266 (differential equations) second semester. MA 271 was actually the only truly 'hard' class 1st sem, but i found it to be rewarding. there are two professors, but most people will agree that John Wang is the much better teacher. unlike most math classes, we were allowed to use calculators during the tests (there was no way you could finish w/out one). MA 271 is much more difficult than MA 261 (non-honors multivariate), as you spend a lot of time going over vector stuff and you actually finish the 'actual' calculus 3 & vector calculus sections in under a month. MA 261 takes the entire semester to cover what MA 271 covers in a little over a month. however, our class was curved to a B+, so i thought it took a lot of pressure off actually 'getting the grade' and gave me more time to actually learn the material.</p>

<p>MA 351 differs from MA 265 from the fact that MA 351 has no MATLAB, and is a proof-based approach to linear algebra. MA 265 is the normal class taken by engineerings, whereas MA 351 is for people who exceled in MA 271/seek to take it/math/science majors. MA 265 is more application based and uses MATLAB. my experience with MA 351 was rather positive, as i had a visiting professor from Cornell teach my class. my roomate was enrolled in the same class. the homework in that class is fairly difficult, but the tests are not, so its not too bad of a class. i think both math classes were two of the more positive experiences i had with freshman engineering, as i felt i had more time to learn the material better than simply going for a grade.</p>

<p>i believe MA 173 shares the same book as MA 271.</p>

<p>Thanks so much, this is helpful to know someone who has btdt. I'll be sure to show son your remarks.</p>

<p>it is to my experience, so far at least that almost all the people i know who either scored high on standardized tests and/or did well on AP tests (mainly those in math & physics & computer programming) have an easier time with the material in engineering and generally are able to spend less time studying and attain better grades.</p>

<p>I haven't registered for a single class.... dosen't one do that upon arrival?? I don't know the american system of registeration... can anyone help by giving me a list of classes a should sign up for... I'm a student in the krannert school of management and want to take courses that are known to have good proffesors....</p>

<p>you should email your school advisor...look on the purdue website.</p>