Classes for next year??

<p>Ok so which two should I take out of:</p>

<p>AP Human Geography
AP Psychology
AP Computer Programming</p>

<p>The rest of my schedule, just to put this in perspective, is the following:
AP Bio
AP Stat
AP Lit
AP Gov/AP Econ
AP Span Lang</p>

<p>Advanced Calculus and Linear Algebra at a University first semester and Abstract Algebra the second semester plus 1 internship at the same university.</p>

<p>I have already taken 2 years of Comp Prog, but alas no AP test since at my school they do 2 years before AP test, but they switched what the AP test was over (C++ to Java), so now I have first year knowledge in Java and C++. Which of the two out of the three should I take?</p>

<p>skip the elective(comp) and take the two academic courses, i would get the comp prog book and just self study and take the test since it semms you know the stuff and just need to brush up on what you dont know</p>

<p>It looks like you show an interest in math/reasoning, so I would go for AP Computer Programming.</p>

<p>I personally love psych. It's absolutely fascinating. I didn't take ap, but I'm thinking of minoring in it w/a major in public relations. but, its you're senior year! don't kill yourself too much-- have fun! Take what you think you'd enjoy~</p>

<p>btw - will it be your senior year?</p>

<p>All three of the classes I listed are considered "bs/joke" classes at my school, but most people seem to get 5's on the tests. Yes, it will be my senior year.</p>

<p>Zogoto ~ Do I understnd this coorectly that you have scheduled 5 real AP classes, plus three university-level math classes, plus an internship, and that you are asking which of the three other AP courses to use as a "filler" in you schedule?</p>

<p>This seems like a lot or work without the filler class...</p>

<p>I would not take the psych or human geography courses because they garner little respect or credit in the college application process, especially for someone who has already achieved greater things, as you have.</p>

<p>It may seem like what I am doing next year is hard, but it is not really. This year, first semester, I had 10 classes and my school classes were much harder than they will be next year, probably (due mainly to AP Junior English). I survived, so I think next year should be ok. And I think I may have not made it clear, but I will only take 2 univ. classes the first semester and 1 the next semester (its not 3 at once or anything). I am fairly confident about taking Adv. Calc. and Abs. Alg. since the professor himself (who is my current professor) has told me that it should be no problem, and Lin Alg I need to take just cuz everyone does.</p>

<p>If I do not take these "filler" classes, reasonabledad, what else could I take? I have barely any classes remaining, besides H. Exercise Physiology and H. Adv. Bio 3-4 (which is the second year of bio, but is not AP since they do more survival-in-the-woods sort of stuff and even go scuba diving). Would you say these two classes are better to take than psych or human geo.? Also, would taking psych and human geo be less respect-worthy than taking a THIRD year of AP Comp Prog, a class that is usually covered in 1 y ear?</p>

<p>AP Psych (im taking it this year) is an easy class. If you have any interest, go ahead, but if not, pass, because people realize its an easy class. I might take the programming class. I hear its harder, and it can give you a real skill as well as filling in your apps.</p>

<p>I would not really learn anything in programming, since I have already taken two years, and in my frustration at still not have actually learned 2nd year material (I took c++ the first year and java the second year, giving me a 1 year intro to both), I went ahead and learned a bunch of it. In my school, programming is like AP Study Hall, even though everyone gets 4s or 5s. So Prog and what else would you say??</p>

<p>ahhhh my schedule for next year is due tomorrow. What to do?!?!!?</p>

<p>If you already know most of the materiel, consider taking the exam without taking the class- I think its possible. I know it is at my school. If you do that, then take the other two classes. If not... hmm... looks like your having a tough year. I cant decide for you of course- I dont know your interests. But I would take programming to give my college app people a test a chew on to show my apptitude, and so I could get an easy class. And then I would take psych. Its a fun subject.</p>

<p>I am amazed at how much one can take. My school doesn't even offer AP anything, but I know there is no way I could manage AP of every subject. As a senior I am taking IMP 4 (math, which is basically pre calc), year 4 english/ecnomics, and spanish 2. plus i took an intro to engineering last semester at the university, and now i'm taking a music appreciation.</p>