Clingy Guy

<p>Hi so I am a college freshman and have been meeting and hanging out with a lot of different people. I have just recently come out of a really, really serious relationship, and so I am only looking for friendship. The other night, I met this guy while playing pool with a bunch of acquaintances. He seemed nice so we talked. He invited me and a few others back to his dorm and we all hung out and watched youtube videos.</p>

<p>For the past two days, he's been calling/texting me to try to get together and do stuff. I am extremely busy with college stuff but I consented to meet up at the cafeteria for dinner. He started telling me how beautiful I was and I started to realize he wasn't just after my friendship. I told him I had recently gotten out of a very serious relationship and that I wasn't looking for anything right now. He shouldn't expect anything out of me because he wasn't going to get it.</p>

<p>I think he has this idea that he will be some guy to "comfort" me in my emotional state, but that is simply not the case. I don't need anyone to comfort me. I am handling on my own. I know I don't want to deal with other guys trying to get into my pants. But during this "dinner," he told me about how he used to be so depressed and how he understands me because he went through a really bad breakup and all this stuff. Then he told me I was the best friend he had at this school!!!</p>

<p>I feel like he is a bit too creepy for me... I only met him on Tuesday. I don't want that kind of responsibility at all. What should I do? Did I do the wrong thing by consenting to hang out with him in the first place? I don't want to hurt his feelings because of all of his depression or whatever, but I really, really don't want the pressure of being someone's best friend!</p>

<p>I’d distance myself if I were you.</p>

<p>In a couple of weeks he’ll be on here making a thread about how he can’t get any girls.</p>

<p>oh yea totally agree with JanofLeiden, if he offers something to do just say your busy and hopefully after a while he will get the hint and get on with his life.</p>

<p>just becareful if you see him in public and your on your own</p>

<p>My advice would be to not put yourself in situations where it’s just you and him. Have a friend or two tag along with you if u decide to meet up for lunch, dinner or whatever. I doubt he would bring up those kinds of heavy conversation topics with others around. </p>

<p>It’s also not fair for him to put that kind of pressure on you that fast, rather than just letting the friendship develop naturally. It seems like he’s looking for a friends with benefits arrangement, and unless you are very explicit in telling him nothing will happen between you two, I think he’ll continue to try and make something happen.</p>

<p>Sounds like a creeper. Would stay far away.</p>

<p>“He invited me and a few others back to his dorm and we all hung out and watched youtube videos.”</p>

<p>Hahaha well that should have been a hint. In my experience, only socially awkward creepers watch loads of youtube videos. Ignore him, he’ll forget about you in a couple of weeks. It’s going to happen, you’ll probably run into him and have that awkard “well I’ve just been really busy, haven’t been hanging out with anyone,” conversation. The first few weeks of college are just awkward. You will laugh about what you did and who you hung out with first semester.</p>

<p>You cannot base your decisions based on his feelings at this point. If it makes you uncomfortable, change it.</p>

<p>STAY THE HECK AWAY FROM HIM!!! Be rude if you must. It’s worth it. All the red flags point to “psycho/stalker/creeper.”</p>

<p>The guy sounds ugly. Girl, RUN if you must! Tell him “You are not the type of person I want to hang out with”. Leave it at that.</p>

<p>This totally could have been me… Maybe not quite, but still… Don’t hang out with him if you don’t want to but don’t try to pretend he’s a dangerous stalker, that’s just mean.</p>


No offense, but we don’t know that. For all we know, he could be. Better safe than sorry! ^^;; He sounds a little creepy, not just clingy. If you’ve made it clear to him that you only want to be friends, but he keeps on trying to become more than that, I think being ‘friends’ would become difficult. And like RavenFans said, NEVER let it just be the two of you. x.x</p>

<p>OMG STAY AWAY!! NEVER BE ALONE! This year, a girl who lived on my friend’s floor almost got raped by some creepo like your clingy guy. Basically he’d always stalk her and text her and be like “lets hang out… lets study… lets eat together.” and so she started ignoring him after a month… and then he started showing up outside her door unannounced and one day she blew up at him and was like “omg your such a stalker. stay the hell away from me” and then he waited outside her room and tried to rape her… but luckily the neighbors in the other rooms heard and saved her… and he got suspended for 1 semester. how messed up is that? >_> that deserves expulsion imo but apparently he had mental issues (no duh).</p>

<p>“No offense, but we don’t know that.”</p>

<p>No, we don’t know that. Any guy out there is potentially a stalker and rapist. But nothing the OP said indicated that this guy is, and the OP doesn’t seem to think so herself.</p>

<p>I told him explicitly that I was not ready for any kind of romantic relationship because of the recent break up. I had been dating a guy for two and a half years previously. I don’t want to get into anything with anyone.</p>

<p>He said he understood and would oblige to wait the six week waiting period. Thing is, I am not interested in him at all. Should I just tell him that or should I just gradually stop talking with him and let it just fade away? </p>

<p>Also, he is SUPER rich and is not used to not getting what he wants. I am afraid if I tell him I am not interested, he will take that as a challenge and that I am playing hard to get.</p>

<p>[YouTube</a> - Stomp Em In The Nuts](<a href=“Stomp Em In The Nuts - YouTube”>Stomp Em In The Nuts - YouTube)</p>