CNR-College of Natural Resources

<p>How big is CNR? maybe some student to prof ratio?</p>

<p>i tried researching on my own online, but I couldn't find the exact #.</p>

<p>yeah i would really like to know this signed up for this college next year and know very little about it</p>


<p>just one word about the CNR: great atmosphere there, friendly.</p>

<p>well in case anyone was interested:) (planetkaitlin?)</p>

<p>i called CNR and asked them and they said there are about 1000 students(although not exact) with a student to faculty ratio of around 20:1 or even less... (she wasn't sure about it, but she assured me that the college is very small) according to this person who I spoke to, every student has a faculty adviser...within every major or something.</p>

<p>i hope that helped:D</p>