coe email

<p>so did any other ED CoE applicants get an email about an online chat on dec 10th??</p>

<p>Nooo… does this mean I got rejected?</p>

<p>I got it. Doesn’t seem like something which would indicated that u r going to be rejected or accepted though…</p>

<p>I got it, but I ended up applying ED to CAS. I think you just get it if you signed up for the engineering mailing list (which I originally did when I was thinking about engineering)</p>

<p>yup, I got it and just registered to join it. Sounds like fun ^_^</p>

<p>So, it’s only if you subscribe to that mailing list or is for all applicants? I’m worried…</p>

<p>trust me, do not be worried. that seems more like an advertisement for regular decision applicants than for us. It looks like it has NOTHING to do with our actual application. “Breath in, Breath out” =P</p>

<p>What do you guys mean by mailing list? I mean I got the email to send first quarter grades, so I’m assuming I’m in the email list…but no email for the chat yet. I’m worried out of my mind right now.</p>

<p>“Are you wondering what makes a good Cornell essay?”</p>

<p>This is the first line of the email…! Trust me, I think it’s for regular decision applicants and if they had you on their certain mailling list, you got it. Not a big deal, join it if you want, don’t if you don’t want to. It seems like it will not affect your status whatsoever.</p>

<p>I doubt they have room for all CoE applicants in the same chat</p>

<p>Ah… I guess the first line proves it. Thanks for the info!</p>

<p>holy crap… lol i was worried out of my socks after reading the first couple posts… </p>

<p>but yeah, doesn’t seem like to be an admission indication email heh, thanks herostar10</p>