Just for discussion/interest, here are the RD selectivity rates with all the EA/ED stripped out, and the top 20 numbered (I numbered 3-6 as essentially a tie because both Chicago and Columbia don’t report numbers to accurately place them above or below Yale and Princeton). Any missing schools from the top 20? Caltech? Claremont? Rice? WUSTL? Swarthmore and Pitzer are possibilities too if their ED numbers are stripped out.
1 Harvard RD 1119 out of 32868 (3.4%)
2 Stanford RD 1318 out of 36175 (3.6%)
3 University of Chicago RD (~4%) (Total Apps ~32,000)
3 Yale RD 1177 out of 26793 (4.4%)
3 Princeton RD 1109 out of 25074 (4.4%) (1237 waitlisted=4.9%)(rej=90.6%)
3 Columbia ED/RD 2193 out of 36292 (6.0%)
7 Penn RD 2326 out of 33156 (7.0%)
8 MIT RD 829 out of 11253 (7.4%) (437 waitlisted)
9 Brown RD 2250 out of 29360 (7.7%)(~133 deferred accepted=7%)(~1000 waitlisted=3.4%)
10 Pomona RD ~566 out of 7190 (~7.9%)
11 Northwestern RD 2690 out of 32077 (8.4%)
12 Duke RD 2501 out of 28600 (8.7%) (49 deferred accepted=2.9%)
13 Vanderbilt RD 2526 out of 28700 (8.8%)
14 Dartmouth RD 1682 out of 18748 (9.0%)
15 Johns Hopkins RD 2539 out of 25188 (10.1%)
16 Harvey Mudd RD 421 out of 3716 (11.3%)
17 Bowdoin RD 687 out of 5918 (11.6%)
18 Tufts RD ~2168 out of 18152 (~11.9%)
19 Amherst College RD 969 out of 7943 (12.2%)
20 Cornell RD 4939 out of 40084 (12.3%) (4572 waitlisted=11.4%)(rej=76.3%)
Swarthmore College (ED/RD) 963 out of 7,717 (12.5%)
UC Berkeley (OOS) 2734 out of 21213 (12.9%)
Pitzer College (ED/RD) (12.9%)
Middlebury RD 1042 out of 7866 (14.2%)
Williams College RD 960 out of 6397 (15.0%)
Barnard College ~1131 out of 7071 (~16%)
Georgetown RD 3276 out of 20002 (16.4%)
USC 8920 out of 54100 (16.5%)
Grinnell College (ED/RD) 18%
UC Berkeley (IS) 8363 out of 45,773 (18.3%)
Georgia Tech RD ~3206 out of 15,659 (~20.5%)
Scripps RD ~632 out of 2743 (23%)
Hamilton College ED/RD 1317 out of 5434 (24.2%)
Kenyon College ED/RD 1688 out of ~6400 (~26.4%)
Vassar College ED1/ED2/RD 1943 out of 7306 (26.6%)
UVA RD (IS/OOS) 4166 out of 15658 (26.6%)
George Washington RD 10101 out of 24168 (41.8%)
University of Maine RD (OOS) 7803 out of 10,062 (77.5%)
University of Maine RD (In-state) 3600 out of 4134 (87.1%)