College Class of 2025 Waitlist Thread

The enrollment yield is extremely unpredictable this year, so don’t be surprised if they wait until after May 1st to start calling…

How many days do they usually give you to decide?

I think the Ivy commit date this year is 5/3 not 5/1.

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You can’t look at Naviance and determine a school is a safety. None of those schools are safeties or even likelies for anyone. Not even in a normal year.

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My son recently declined his acceptance OOS to UVA so maybe that will help someone (you) get some movement off the waitlist. He was accepted in Engineering. Unfortunately for you though, the spot he accepted is at Michigan Engineering.

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It’s important to make sure your voicemail has space and your greeting is mature.

It’s even more important to ensure that the VM is even set up. It boggled my mind when doing interviews that a large percentage did not even ro a basic set-up.


My son was accepted off WL at both Colby and Bucknell - so there is definitely movement happening


@Rjsick tell us more - was there a phone call and does your son have until May 1 to decide?

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He received emails from both schools to set up a phone call to discuss “continued interest.” Was offered admission during both calls. Colby gave him until May 1 to decide; Bucknell wanted a decision within 48 hours. He’s decided on Colby and very happy.


Congratulations to your son!

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Great story! Congratulations to your son.

Question…Do you have financial need and if so, did they discuss numbers on the call or email?

Help your kids getting excited to where they are going. Not where there is a extremely slight chance of going to. Every year I hear about students that feel less then since there was so much pressure to get on this or that wait list and then their final selection feels like a failure… Not sure that’s the best way to start college.

Get on the wait list then stop taking about it with your child. Talk about where they will actually be going to. They /you did apply to more then one school for a reason. Every school on that list should be somewhere they wanted to go for some reason.


Notre Dame tapping their WL


Any news about Bowdoin or Vassar?

Haven’t seen or heard anything.

Just saw that Wake Forest is also tapping their WL. But we haven’t received any calls or emails yet, so anxiously waiting still…

any movements for Midd?

If your HS guidance counselor is calling a school where you are waitlisted are they calling before or after 5/1?

They called yesterday, so they did not wait until after 5/1. Unfortunately, they told the AO at our HS that they won’t be contacting any waitlist candidates until June 1st.