<p>I attended Harvard Summer School in 2007 where I took a college-level course for credit. However, I forgot to forward the official transcript. Is it too late to have it sent now?</p>
<p>No, it’s not too late if you send it very soon (like, tomorrow or Friday, if at all possible).</p>
<p>Thanks mollie…I sent out my requests today but unfortunately, Harvard will take up to a week to process them so it might not arrive at MIT for 2 weeks…Would that be a problem?</p>
<p>By two weeks from now, they’re likely to be in selection committee and won’t see the update until they’re done.</p>
<p>You might consider calling to see if this will be a problem – my gut feeling is that it won’t, and that they’ll discuss your application and use the official transcript only as a confirmation, but I do not know that for sure.</p>
<p>Is the course already on your high school transcript? My HS requires that I have grades/transcripts from my college sent to them after each semester so all my college classes show up on my HS transcript. I asked MIT if they need a seperate transcript from the colleges and they said they did not if they were on my HS transcript.</p>
<p>no, it’s not on my HS transcript…</p>
<p>if i can only get them an unofficial transcript in time for selection and the official one around late Feb., would that be ok? there’s a processing period after i finish a course so…yea.</p>
<p>If that’s what you have to do, then that’s what you have to do. MIT doesn’t require the impossible.</p>
<p>Better to send it immediately and hope/small chance they take it into account than not send it because it might not get there on time and have ABSOLUTELY no chance of it having an impact. That said, it’s only worth it to send if you received a decent grade in this course.</p>
<p>Could someone please tell me what is considered “decent” and what’s not for a college course??? </p>
<p>I mean, in Canadian standards, a 70 = B- and an 80 = A- and so on… </p>
<p>So at what point would you send in the mark in and when wouldn’t you? </p>
<p>The college course isn’t on my high school transcript, and since I am currently taking it, I don’t have a college transcript either. I just put the college course somewhere on my app. (without the mark). Even if I do have a college transcript, it would just never occur to me that I have to send it because it didn’t say so on the application or even the admissions website anywhere. So at what point would you put your college course mark down on the application?</p>
<p>^ Bump.</p>
<p>I was wondering the same thing about the grading standard for a college course.</p>