College courses in high school

I am taking a course at UC Berkeley during their summer sessions (for the pre-college scholars program). I am taking CS 61A, which is a fairly difficult computer science course (twice as hard since I have to finish it in 8 weeks instead of a full semester!).

I messed up big time during an exam, and am facing a B/B+… Will this hurt my college apps? UC Berkeley is my target school, and I have to report this grade when I apply. Even though there isn’t much I can do right now except make sure that my grade doesn’t go down, I just want to know whether this will throw up red flags?

(P.S. I am a straight A student in high school, and am planning to take Community College courses this fall/next spring. I also have a 1510 SAT with a 6|5|6 essay, and I’ve been playing piano for 10+ years, and performed out of state/country over the past 3-4 years. I am a rising junior).

B to B+ is the median grade for CS 61A. I doubt if this one course will affect you one way or another as far as admissions goes for Berkeley or for any other school.

For UCs, transferable college courses are considered to be honors courses in GPA recalculation.

If you do eventually want to attend UCB and go into the L&S CS major, be aware that entering the L&S CS major after enrolling as L&S undeclared needs a 3.3 GPA in CS 61A, 61B, 70. So you really want to try for a B+ or higher grade in CS 61A if that is a goal of yours (B+ is 3.3 in college GPA calculations at UCB).