college dating-->eventual marriage?

<p>marriage is for chumps</p>

<p>From your username, I gather that you're a freshman this year. I'd suggest not worrying about marriage right now and just focus on having fun in relationships. These days, there's absolutely nothing wrong with not getting married until you're 30+ years old.</p>

<p>I met my wife my Sophomore year in college. She went to a school about 20 miles away. We got engaged my Senior year and married the Fall after graduation.</p>

<p>We've been married 22+ years.</p>



<p>Close, Bates =)</p>

<p>I'm an engaged undergrad, I'm currently a junior and my fiance is a senior and he will be graduating this spring with his degree. At my college, a lot of people seem to get married to someone the summer after graduation, even if one of the two doesn't go to college here. Currently, we'll be getting married after I graduate in May 2010...depending on if he has a job and I have any potential job offers.</p>

<p>Yeah, some do but most of them don't last, lol. At least, one of them in the relationship will hold unrealistic expectations of the other. Either she's expected to wait for him (because she's needy on the low) or he's waiting so he's financially stable (which really means he's not ready to let go of his Saturday nights with the guys).</p>

<p>It just turns into an eternal engagement with a wedding date that will never be set. It's not worth it. Just live and if it happens, it'll happen. Don't force it.</p>

<p>To be honest, most of the people who have dysfunctional relationships in college and end up getting engaged/married are stupid. Having the title of "married" doesn't mean it'll last or that he'll stop being a manwhor3 and she'll stop being a $lut.</p>

<p>I wish people would get real. The divorce rate is too high to play around and get married just because you've been together for 2-3 years.</p>


<p>I don't have the statistic, but supposedly the divorce rate for couples who met in college is substantially lower than for the population at large.</p>

<p>The hookup scene here is just too huge, unfortunately. I don't think I'm going to wind up marrying anyone I meet here anytime soon.</p>

<p>It happens quite a bit. 8 of my friends got married. 4 went to med school together, 2 went on to PhD programs in different fields, and 2 (married non-friends of mine) are doing long distance relationships until they finish their masters programs.</p>

<p>Two friends of mine are on that track already. I don't see it happening too much here... But, there are some people who are in relationships that serious.</p>