College essay: Nursing

<p>I'm applying to a bunch of universities, specifically to their nursing schools, and almost all of them have this question:
Describe how your experiences or ideas shaped your decision to pursue nursing and how these experiences or ideas may aid your future contribution to the field.</p>

<p>I am stuck. I want to be a nurse because... I can't/don't want to be anything else? I love helping people and the nurses are always wonderful at the hospital where I volunteer, but how on earth do I spin this into 250 words? I have no problem writing the 'wider' essays; I'm a musician and I've written about music's impact/hold on me.
Every time I try to answer the 'Why Nursing' question, my ideas trickle off after a few sentences.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!</p>

<p>Do you have a family member who’s ever been in the care of a great nurse (or many great nurses)? It’s probably one that they see a lot but after doing some soul-searching I realized that was one of the main reasons why I wanted to be a nurse.</p>

<p>you could also look for other writings on the subject. sometimes hearing another share their passion about nursing can help give voice to your individual feelings–i.e., give you currency with which to work. try
a l l n u r s e s . c o m
you’ll be great.</p>

<p>“I want to be a nurse because I love midnight shifts, bodily fluids and arrogant doctors.”</p>

<p>Have you ever had an experience where you had to step up and help someone that was injured. In my college essay I talked about how I helped someone in a boating accident, but I didn’t know exactly what to do to help them so I want to go to nursing school to learn how to really help people the best as I can.</p>

<p>Find a story about one of those nurses who inspired you. Focus on show, not tell.
For example:
Tell: “I was inspired by the nurses where I volunteered”
Show: “The patient was critically ill, but seemed calm as nurse X attended to him. He/she seemed to know exactly the right words to say as she/he started his IV. I wanted to learn those skills”
(yes the gender switch is deliberate- both men and women make great nurses )</p>

<p>I would recommend that anyone who is considering pursuing a career in nursing that they should purchase and read the book" Critical Care-A New Nurse faces Death, Life, and Everything in Between" by Theresa Brown, RN. It is published by Harper Brown and comes in paperback for the price of $14.95. It is excellent.</p>