<p>Has anyone bought the Peterson's College Guide for Performing Arts Majors 2009? Is it worthwhile? Also are there any other books geared toward performing arts majors (i.e. actors) that you would recommend? Thanks.</p>
<p>I happen to think that the best resource for prospective theater majors is the CC forum…the Musical Theater Forum and the Theater/Drama one. Read back past threads…will take a lot of time…and individual college sub forums. A wealth of knowledge abounds that cannot be found in any of the college directories. </p>
<p>As far as directories go…</p>
<p>There is the Peterson’s one…I own it but not the 2009 edition. </p>
<p>There is also The Performing Arts Major’s College Guide put out by ARCO, by Carole J. Everett. </p>
<p>There is also the Directory of Theatre Training Programs put out by Theatre Directories, a program of American Theatre Works, in Dorset, VT. It is related to the Dorset Theatre Festival.</p>
<p>Also, Dramatics magazine publishes a yearly issue you can order (even if you do not subscribe to the magazine) that is a College Theatre Directory. </p>
<p>Hope that helps.</p>
<p>PS, you may wish to visit this thread on the Musical Theater Forum:
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/musical-theater-major/102726-books-other-resources-mt-students.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/musical-theater-major/102726-books-other-resources-mt-students.html</a></p>
<p>College Confidential is a way, way, WAY better source of information than any printed guide. I honestly and truly don’t know how my daughter would have fared in her college audition journey had I not, one day, stumbled upon College Confidential.</p>
<p>Thanks Soozie and NotMamaRose – I didn’t mean to give the impression that I don’t already see CC as an excellent resource but every now and then it’s nice to have a book to look at too (especially one that’s current and relevant)…</p>
<p>I understand. The directories are handy…I have them (my kid went through this process four years ago). But they are not THAT useful, just saying. In that vein, the CC forums on this topic are about 100% more useful in my view. There is much MORE information here, for starters. Secondly, what is on the forum, can’t even be had in any book. I’ll just mention that these books are directories and are very basic.</p>
<p>Soozie – that said, do you think the Dorset directory is worth the $49.50 price tag? Does it provide profile information about thetre programs? Is there anything in there that isn’t available online? Thanks.</p>
<p>I don’t know how worth it is…I mean I have it from a few years back. I mean it is handy to have a listing by state of every school that has theater. It has some very basic information on each one, albeit in a dense kind of format. If you want to simply have a listing of all the schools with some basics on each, a directory can be handy and it is just on theater and not art, music, or dance. There is much more information on each program on each college’s own website to be sure. But if you want a basic listing, it gives you that. It is kinda nice to have a college directory. It just is a very basic starting point. I think that’s how I think of these college directories. You get to see all the schools that exist and then you have to read the school’s own websites to garner more information. But on CC, there is so much about the entire theater admissions process that is not in any of these books. As well, there are first hand accounts by students and parents here that are not in the books. If you want to be “complete”…I’d own directories, then use college’s own sites, and then use CC. All three of these have value for different reasons. I can’t tell you if the price of 50 bucks is worth it, but on the other hand, it is a small price for what is a very big and expensive decision, LOL. Don’t forget, CC and the websites are free. There is much more in those two sources than in this directory. But the directory is a nice listing as a starting point.</p>
<p>PS, to answer your direct question…no, there isn’t anything in the directory that is not available online. The value in the directory is that it is a complete listing of all the programs with little blurbs about each one, all in one place, arranged by state.</p>
<p>Thanks Soozie – that’s kind of what I thought. I just ordered the 2003-2005 version for $6 online. I’m trying to capitalize on the momentum we gained by conducting our first college visits this week (e.g. Adelphi, Hofstra and LIU/C.W. Post). The whole idea of college and performing at that level and receiving advanced training and taking advantage of all the resources available has now become “real” for my son. I’m hoping this will be the impetus he needs to take ownership of the process.</p>
<p>My son has been offeredadmission at Carnegie Mellon, CalArts, UCLA (BA program), UNCSA, Evansville & OU so far. Any thoughts on which is best to become a professional actor? Or pros & cons?</p>