<p>Febreeze is wonderful. It's for spraying on clothes and fabric, basically. Didn't get time to do laundry, gotta yank something out of the hamper for some reason, spray it a few times, and you're good (enough) to go. The wrinkle removing spray (forget the name...it's by Bounty, maybe?) is quite nice, too, because I tend to just take stuff out of the dryer, shove it in the hamper, roll it up in a drawer, etc., and it looks pretty awful by the time I get around to wearing it. Spray, tug, and it looks quite a bit better :-)</p>
<p>Cleaning products in general are the best things, ever. Even if you think you won't clean or won't care, it's a REALLY good habit to get into, and you might surprise yourself. I really never cleaned at home, and I am a TOTAL neat-freak at school. Spray Lysol, Clorox wipes, Windex, air freshner, vaccuum (you can find a small stand-upu one for like $20)...all very handy. Also, whoever said paper towels was right on...we go through them like water (although I also find it works well to just borrow rolls of toilet paper from the utility closet across the hall).</p>
<p>Some kind of container to hold quarters for laundry...a box, cup, mini-safe, whatever shoots your rocket. It's helpful to have them all in one place.</p>
<p>Some kitchen supplies...bowl, silverware, paper plates, napkins, ziploc bags. Even if you think you won't need them, you probably will. You don't need a whole huge stockpile, but some are good to have. Some in-room snacks (ramen, easy mac, granola bars, pop tarts, peanut butter) that I expected to be useless have turned out to be really handy (breakfast on the way to class, late night snacks, missed meals, etc.). Even if you don't have a fridge/micro in your room, all that I listed are non-refrigerated and your dorm will probably have a kitchen you can use. </p>
<p>My best suggestion would be to WAIT until you get down to school. A lot of things (raised beds, how many drawers will fit, what your walls are made of, i.e. how to best stick up posters/boards/etc., where fans will fit, extra furniture) will be totally specific to your room. You can buy things before, but don't get too attached, and save the receipts so you can return what doesn't fit. There will almost certainly be Target, WalMart, CostCo, Linens-n-Things, Bed Bath and Beyond, or some combination thereof near your campus and, if your parents help you move in, you will be able to do errand running. This is especially useful if you're coming a long way, flying to campus, or whatever and can't fit a lot of stuff (b/c you can store it over summer). Also, my school chartered buses to do Target runs for freshman, so check and see if maybe you'll get to do something like that. Most of what you'll need that you won't find in a handbook will be specific to your own preferences and situation, and you'll realize the need once you get to school. </p>
<p>All things fail, there will almost surely be plenty of people in your dorm willing to lend you what you need (as far as tools and supplies, but short of clothes, toothbrush, etc...) for the beginning of the schoolyear. It's a good way to meet people :-)</p>
<p>You'll be fine, good luck with the Home Depot sales!</p>
<p>Oh...one other thing I've found helpful (for my raised bed and high shelves in closet): footstool.</p>