Collegeboard's IDOC!?!?? what is that!?

<p>So I was looking through some school's financial aid requirements, and they said something about after turing in the CSS, we should be emailed some information from Collegeboard to complete our IDOC. what is that?! and I don't remember getting anything from collegeboard about IDOC. how and when do we fill out the IDOC? can someone help? thx!</p>

<p>IDOC is a method of transmitting your tax returns and documents to a college. You’ll get a cover sheet from College Board with mailing instructions.</p>

<p>when are we suppose to get the instructions? Because i submitted teh CSS a long time ago, in November bc of EA schools, and I’ve yet to receive anything.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
Only about 50 schools use IDOC, so maybe the schools you applied to don’t use it. Above is the college board page with the list of IDOC schools.</p>

<p>IDOC stands for “Institutional Documentation Service,” where the College Board collects families’ federal tax returns and other documents on behalf of participating colleges and programs.</p>

<p>Basically it’s another way for College Board to get further intrenched in the college process and continue ripping people off.</p>


<p>You should receive an email from CollegeBoard sometime in early February with next step instructions. There is not a lot to the instructions, if I am remembering it correctly from last year. Basically, in this email, the CollegeBoard will direct you a specific website where you will be able to print off an IDOC coversheet for each of the schools who require that you send them a complete copy of your 2008 taxes forms (including all W2’s, 1099-INT, etc). </p>

<p>Basically, IDOC is just their “fancy” way of collecting your tax forms, but it is nothing more than you print of this coversheet, place it on top of your packet of copied forms (which have to be in a certain order), then mail it in as a single package to every school that requires it. </p>

<p>Hope this helps.</p>

<p>If I recall correctly, it doesn’t go to the schools. It goes to IDOC. The instructions will be clear.</p>

<p>Basically, IDOC collects the documents for schools. I imagine they scan them for the schools, who then can access them online.</p>

<p>When DD applied to school, there were two that used IDOC. We sent the tax returns, etc to the IDOC address (whatever that was) and they transmitted it to both colleges.</p>

<p>Thumper & Kelsmom, Thanks for the correction. You are both right. </p>

<p>I went back to my files from last year to check on the process, and I actually found the email that was sent to me from the Collegeboard. It instructs you to make one copy of your tax forms (every form on a separate page), and mail it back to them. The CollegeBoard then takes care of submitting it to whatever colleges you applied to that require copies of your tax forms.</p>

<p>thanks everyone! this definitly clears up everything. </p>

<p>another questions: so when schools ask for the student’s 2008 tax forms, but I didn’t even file taxes at all, do I just not send in anything?</p>

<p>I actually was in the same situation last year; I didn’t file taxes for my either. So, I sent in only my parents tax forms. On the IDOC cover sheet that you will print off, you have to check off the forms that are being mailed in your packet, by parent & student. If the student does not file taxes, there is a Student Non-Tax Filer form that you will have to fill in, and submit this form within your packet. The form is made available to you right within their site, so you just have to print it off and mail it in along with everything else.</p>

<p>If it were me…and I didn’t file taxes…I would send a cover letter that says “I am including my parents’ tax returns. I was not required to file a return for 200X, so there is not a return from me.”</p>

<p>Or something like that.</p>

<p>Thumper -
The IDOC cover sheet has a place where you actually check off “Student Non-Filer” and you print off (and fill in/sign) the Student Non-Filer form to mail in with your package. So, there is no need to write a separate letter for IDOC. As a matter of fact, IDOC instructions ask that you not mail anything to them, except the possible list of forms specified on their coversheet. They are even particular about the order that you package the forms.</p>



<p>matpi, I was replying to the above which was inquiring about “when SCHOOLS ask for the student’s 2008 return”. There isn’t a form for that, like there is for the IDOC. IDOC is used by only about 50 or so college. Most schools that want your tax returns DO want them sent directly to the school. If the school doesn’t use IDOC, you MUST send directly to the school. If parent(s) and/or student were not required to file…and didn’t. They should send a letter explaining that to the school. Sending “nothing” will not explain this to the schools.</p>

<p>Why do I see “IDiOtiC” when I look at this abbreviation? :slight_smile: Must be some kind of deep-seated anti-CB mindset.</p>

<p>IDOC (short i…letter D, letter O, Letter C…) go ahead…say it that way…IDIOCY.</p>

<p>I have a question - the IDOC website says 2009-2010 applicants can access it starting in Feb, but some of my schools list their Fin Aid deadline as being Feb 1st AND USE IDOC. How exactly does THAT work? :O</p>

<p>Hey squaregirl,</p>

<p>The Financial Aid deadline refers to the CSS Profile. The IDOC is NOT accessible until Feb 1, and universities have a separate deadline for the IDOC. Check this deadline… it should be early March, perhaps March 1.</p>

<p>OK, my bad, Thumper. I thought you were referring to the IDOC.</p>

<p>Really? Wow, thanks for telling me. I was SO confused, heh.</p>