Colleges i can get into in Georgia (help!)

<p>ok i realize i posted once here before but ever since i got that D im kinda scared im not going to get into UGA. Heres my crap </p>

<p>GPA: 3.2ish now (UW)
SAT: havent taken it confident i can get around a 2000??
EC's: random clubs
classes: taken all honors and as many 2 ap's</p>

<p>Im just curious i have to go to a school in georgia (because of hope scholarship) what schools do u think i can get into? I calculated it and if i make all A's by the time of the end of first semester senior year id have 3.45 and im from south asia! so i hope that helps ok im sleepy please tell me my chances thanks!</p>

<p>A 3.2 will make your chances at UGA very unlikely. However, a 3.45 will dramatically help you, and put you in the running for admissions. It sounds like you are a junior right now, which gives you time to pull up that GPA. If you have the option to take lots of APs your senior year, I would load up on 3-4 APs. With a large amount of APs, a decent GPA, and a solid SAT will get you in, IMO.</p>

<p>What other schools in GA are you considering? GA state is a good option. So is Kennesaw State, Georgia College and State University, and Georgia Tech.</p>

<p>Ive never heard of kennesaw state but the other three u named are my major considerations. i wanted to go to tech....thats out of the question but UGA looks awesome even if i got accepted to tech and UGA i think after researching it id rather go to UGA but this whole 4 point scale is killing me i didnt realize the differences between a's and b's in my freshman and softmore year i had tons of 89's that i coulda asked to be bumped out of a hundred i have like a 88 GPA but alot of b's . idk if i end up with like a 3.37 what do you think my chances are getting into UGA if im pakistani and score pretty high on my sat?</p>

<p>Well, considering that UGA really wants to be more diverse, your race will help. However, they are just starting affirmative action next year(your year), so I don't know how heavily the admissions staff will weigh race as a factor. It definetely won't hurt, it just might not help.</p>

<p>GA tech is difficult to get into, but sometimes(like UGA), they see something in an applicant that they feel is worth giving them a chance. On several occasions, students have gotten into GT and not UGA, and vs. versa.</p>

<p>Start considering things like who you would like to write your teacher rec, and start compiling your EC's together(if you don't have any, then I suggest that you start volunteering soon=)). </p>

<p>I think a 3.5 would be incredible, a 3.4 would be fine but iffy, and anything below that GPA would be unlikely. There are some cases(like someone on CC) where students have actually been accepted with a 3.2, so don't get discouraged.</p>

<p>What major are you interested in? I was really considering Geology and Anthropology before I went to college, so I took some classes and labs at a nearby college in GA(Georgia Perimeter). UGA seemed to take note of that because they sent me some brochures on the Geology departement and opportunities within it in case I was interested.</p>

<p>UGA wants to see that you challenged yourself and that you can add a passion for learning and diversity to the campus. So, challenge yourself and see what happens.</p>

<p>Kennesaw State is in Kennessaw, which is still in the ATL, just not smack in the middle of it. It offers apartement style living(no dorms!!) and is a nice size. It's kind of a UGA reject school, but I guess most GA publics are. My friend went there and loved it. GSU is a really good school, and probably the best option for you, IMO, and KSU would be great also.</p>

<p>Here's some links of interest:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>thanks! i do have some ec's and i was thinking about going into business? Im not sure yet and i can get good reccomendations from at least 4 teachers</p>