Colorado College RD 2024

CC decisions are coming out really soon so I thought it would be a good idea to start a forum specifically for RD
Link to their deadline/decision timeline -

According to the website they’re supposed to be out March 13, 4 pm MDT


anyone get accepted/denied?

I was deferred EA, but I just received an acceptance letter!

Accepted after being deferred EA! So excited to join the CC class of '24
Here are some of my stats for reference for future applicants:

SAT: 1420
GPA: 3.9
No AP courses/tests or SAT subject tests
Decent Extracurriculars (leadership positions, volunteering, University-level Research, internships, etc) + creative essays
*I was homeschooled, so I had quite an untraditional high school experience.

My daughter was also accepted after being deferred EA. She is also a homeschooled student. She put everything she had into a beautiful deferral letter and the essays on the deferral form.