RD Decisions 2016

posted on Feb 18, 2016:

My daughter received today an email stating the same date. Did anyone else get this email?

has anyone else been hearing things from financial aid lately? I thought it was a little weird that they were contacting us asking for specifics literally the week before decisions come out, when I had come to terms with the fact that an acceptance for me is pretty unlikely. are they just teasing with my feelings or are the departments completely separate?

While CC is generous, the endowment is not so huge that the college can be need-blind. Typically, the Admissions folks and those at Financial Aid consider applicants at the same time. The two Base Camps are entirely separate.

And for the record, I believe the date has been changed from the 15th to the 16th. THis happened last year as well.

where did you hear that? on the website it says dec 15…

@KoloradoKid okay, that’s what I thought; when I talked to admissions after my deferral they were honest about being not being need-blind (“need-aware” I think they said)

I’m gonna try and get through the school week with some sanity lol

got an email today

my email said March 15th, 2016

same here. good luck everyone!

7 hours left…will probably get rejected, but I still can’t wait because this is the first college that I’ll hear back from. Anyways, an advance congratulations to the ones who get accepted!

reeeeeeeeejected. closure finally i guess

Rejected! Oh well

Rejected! Congratulations to everyone who got accepted!

Rejected :frowning:
Congrats to those who got accepted !

rejected. dang all these rejections :confused:

a second coming of the december deferral party… @cchoping

rejected! lol anyway congrats to everyone who got it!

rejected as well… congrats to those who got in!

rejected :frowning: