Columbia Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Hi. Is the Financial aid button still available? Mine is not

Yes, I have it. On the right side under “QUICK LINKS”.

Did anyone just received an email from Columbia ?


everyone did


I haven’t checked yet. What was it about?

Just instructions on how to access the decision next Tuesday.

Thank you! Just saw it! So much anxiety.


To be honest, the only schools from which my daughter received requests for additional financial aid docs were schools to which she was eventually accepted. She didn’t receive financial aid requests from any schools from which she was rejected. I’d consider this a good sign.


If you don’t get interview or likely letter is it better to assume rejection!? Just got rejected from NYU very upset :confused:



It’s not over 'til it’s over! Good luck! My son just got waitlisted from NYU.

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Best of luck to your son! This process is so tough I just wish it was over already :confused:

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It’s terrible, but you will all end up where you need to be. My daughter went through this 4 years ago. So many rejections. But, she is wrapping up her final term at Dartmouth, so it all worked out in the end. I’m sure it will for you also!


I have had all rejections so far, just one wait listed which is like rejected as well.

There is no withdraw button in columbia portal right?

This isn’t Berkeley. :grin:


I got into UMich, BC, Hamilton and waitlisted at Georgetown (I have other acceptances but these are my highest ranked so far) but I got rejected from a bunch of T20s and other high ranked schools. Does it seem like I have any chance at any Ivies? My school is an Ivy feeder but a lot of kids are legacy/recruited athletes/URM

Whether you get into Ivies or not, you can use your interest in them to trim your available choices. For example, if you have applied to a school such as Columbia, then I don’t think a school like Hamilton would make a good match for you.