Columbia University Admissions Fall 2022

I can log in but I can’t see FA tap…what happen?

I didn’t apply fin aid but was able to log in. Was there something from with my application? I’m intl, does it mean I’m mistakenly considered a fin aid applicant??

I originally stated I was going to apply for financial aid in my commonapp, but then i already contacted admissions to change it back and they said they said they updated my file.

Does it mean I’m still mistakenly considered a fin aid applicant lol?

As I remember, there was same issue in the past and it meant a lot in admission. But I can’t remember the detail. Is there anyone to remember the detail?

yeah i want to know the format that we use as a password on portal, whenever i login it says incorrect password and after the 6th attempt it says the account has been locked try it again after 30 mins.

I think I’m entering the format wrong so please tell me what’s the format it’s MM/DD/CC/YY right im doing that but it says incorrect.

Please tell me the correct order i think I’m entering the wrong format of my DOB.

Agreed. Admissions and financial aid offices work independently and not everyone applies for FA. So it can’t be an indicator.

wassup with this?

Can anyone please tell me the format?

what’s the password for financial aid portal, like i know it’s date of birth but please tell me the number format as an example.

Thank you!!!

Are you able to see anything on your FA Portal?

first of all it is not an indicator, secondly you have to reset password not use birthdate

Sorry, I have no idea as we didn’t ask for FA. But I would guess there’s a password reset option available?

I checked last night and I had documents and message tab on financial aid but now I just see home page on financial aid portal. Something is happening but not sure what but I am glad that there is some movement in the process.

So does anyone here who are able to see the “document&message” tab? If there is, it’s weird tho

got an response email from the FA office saying my financial application was finally complete as I was missing on doc previously and now the tab has disappeared

How much day did it take for them to get back to you?

My tab has disappeared as well

Hey, when did you receive the email that you were missing a document by FA office

around 4 days? I emailed last Friday