Columbia University Admissions Fall 2022

Last week

Are you international?


Did FA office contact you directly about financial aid materials via email? and you responded to them?

Only a few more days guys we can do this weā€™ve come this far and GOOD LUCK EVERYONE

Insider info? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I got sent a pretty generic email about a missing doc like last week so I emailed them back and a member of staff from the office responded to me today

When is the release date?

Since I saw you asking this on other Ivy threads as well: Ivy Day is March 31 this year. So all 8 Ivies will release on the 31st around 7pm EDT.

I thought it will be like UMich early April.

I had this issue too, itā€™s your date of birth without the 0s. For example, if your birthday is March 3, 2004, you would type 3/3/2004 instead of 03/03/2004. Hope this helps!

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Are you supposed to be able to login to financial aid portal without applying for financial aid?

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Has anyone elseā€™s Financial Aid portal changed to where you canā€™t see if documents have been received or what documents are missing?

My DSā€™s financial aid portal does not show which document has been received.

Does everyone see ā€œverify addressā€ on their portal?

People previously said it has nothing to do with your results. However, on past threads, seems like everyone who couldnā€™t see it anymore was rejected

No. On reddit, someone who got likely was unable to see the checklist.

How recent tho? I did find some who got likely letters and couldnā€™t access, but they were from like 10y ago.

This admissions cycle.

Moreover, I couldnā€™t find a single person from A2C who are now able to see checklist, which is weird given that there are full of students who got liklies in that sub.