Columbia University Early Decision for Fall 2024 Admissions

This is the official thread for those applying ED to Columbia University.

List your unweighted GPA, any SAT /ACT scores, and ECs. What majors are you going into?
Ask your questions, the CC community is here to help!


Submitted ED to Columbia today .


Submitted yesterday. Have you received login details for the applicant portal?

Submitted mine last week but haven’t receive any confirmation email or portal information. Is there anyone who received any information from Columbia? Thank you

Not yet

Not yet

Hello, I applied to Columbia’s ED on November 1st. Unfortunately, I made a big mistake. I didn’t know that the supplements had to be submitted separately and didn’t click on submit and review until I realized today (November 5).

I know that this is a huge mistake.

What do you think my next steps should be?


Received on Thursday

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Hello, I applied to Columbia’s ED on November 1st. Unfortunately, I made a big mistake. I didn’t know that the supplements had to be submitted separately and didn’t click on submit and review until I realized today (November 5).

I know that this is a huge mistake.

What do you think my next steps should be?

I got accepted into Columbia through Questbridge today (ranked 1/9)!

Here’s some of my stats:

Intended Major: Political Science
Demographic: Black, Female, Midwest, FGLI

GPA: 4.0 UW/4.5 Weighted
Rank 3/370
EC’s: 2 State Level Leadership, 1 National, Student Council, Speech (Leadership in all)
Awards: National Merit Commended Scholar, National African American Recognition Award, some very insignificant school awards

I’m really proud of my essays, recommendation letters, and EC’s. My application also had a ton of red flags:

  • Late Financial Aid (As in this Wednesday late)
  • Recommendation letter from a 10th grade teacher instead of 11/12th (but he coached 2 of my ECs and taught me in 2 classes)
  • Test Optional
  • Grades noticeably slipped junior year (went from 97% and high during freshman and sophomore year to a B and two A-minuses my junior year)

I think this proves that you don’t need to be the perfect applicant to get into a competitive school. Good luck to the rest of the prospective class of 2028!


Congratulations! I am curious if you know how many other students matched at Columbia?

87 Students matched with Columbia!

Did you get a likely letter before final decision?

I don’t think LL would be issued for QB match as they get matched with the highest school they ranked that accepts them.

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Anyone know exact day ED decisions will be released?