Columbia University Science Honors Program ENTRANCE EXAMINATION

i don’t wanna sound like an *******
but i really, really thought i wouldn’t get in (i got the logic true/false question wrong…)</p>

<p>I sincerely wish all of you good luck though</p>

But I kinda knew it was gonna happen so yeah.
Newaiz congratz to ppl who got in!!</p>

<p>wut courses will those who got accepted take?</p>

<p>and good luck to the rest of u waiting</p>

<p>…holy cow i spent the last 3 days on this thread -_-</p>

<p>Congratulations to those of you who got in! :)</p>

<p>For those who didn’t, don’t worry about it too much :P…there are CSHP rejects that get into Columbia quite often, and the applicant pool is pretty competitive</p>

<p>I got in! And I’m kind of stunned, b/c I only answered like 5 of the challenge math questions…fail. Anyways, does attending this program actually improve one’s chances of getting into Columbia?</p>

<p>A lot of people in the program are either accepted into Columbia College and a large portion are accepted into the Fu School of Engineering and Applied Science. This might be more correlation as opposed to causation, but I’m sure it helps, because it shows a connection with the university. Plus, apparently Columbia has a section on their application asking how close/knowledgeable you are about the school, and the Science Honors Program is a great thing to put there. So I’m sure it helps getting into any school, maybe Columbia more so than others. :)</p>

<p>ahaha really? are you korean ?
whos your favorite? O: my fav <3</p>

<p>Well I’m definitely excited to be going :slight_smile: Although how to get there is another issue (I live really far away in CT)…</p>

<p>I love Big Bang too haha. I <3 Daesung.</p>

<p>hey tsubomi did u sign up for this year? or do u not have to?</p>

<p>goodbye saturday late sleeps…</p>

<p>Once you get in, you never have to take the exam or apply again (phewwwww), you’re automatically in for the next year unless you have too many absences. :)</p>

<p>As for the mornings, there are lots of REALLY good coffeeshops right near Columbia. Take advantage of this. :p</p>

<p>and u have to take both semester courses? wut r the classes where u don’t do anything in groups…or pairs… i’m not exactly social</p>

<p>Yeah, you take two classes a year. They’re all semester courses. Most are note-driven classes where you sit and listen to lectures, with the exception of some like organic chem. A lot of the physics/math classes are like that.</p>

<p>Nanoscience was a fun class. You don’t work in groups or anything, but you get to tour the labs and see the scanning electron microscopes and stuff.</p>

<p>LOL. daesung is so cute. i dont think i like ever saw him not smiling and his voice is amazingggg.</p>

<p>@bigbang: I KNOW! :p</p>

<p>would i be hated if i said i liked dbsk…?</p>

<p>and tsubomi thanx for answering my questions</p>

<p>theyre not having a concert near nyc anytime soon. lols im going to south korea in august. hopefully i bump into one of them in the street or something :smiley: oh well, i can always dream.</p>

<p>aw darn… i miss korean street food… everything got so expensive nowadays</p>

<p>I like DBSK too haha. I just like Big Bang more. </p>

<p>I’m going to Korea in August too! I’ll be staying in Busan…I love Korean street food <3 </p>

<p>@ummmm: no problem haha. I hope to see you there in September!</p>