Columbia University Science Honors Program ENTRANCE EXAMINATION

<p>I dont know what classes to take. Im interested in computer’s and physics. I heard that particle physics wasnt a great course. Anyone know about the Java Course?</p>

<p>for some reference for next year, can any of you tell me if you guys studied anything…?
and is it still that 15-question math section that makes or breaks you.</p>

<p>thank you!!!</p>

<p>I’ve heard from a number of people that the math section is important, but I don’t actually have the research to back it up.</p>

<p>So. For any seniors out there, are you creating a new account for your Columbia application, or do you just use the same PIN number as the one used for the app to the science program?</p>

<p>Seeing as they never hand back any form of results, we can’t tell how much more important the challenge math section is than the other two. Although, the proctors do state that the challenge math section is weighted more heavily, but no explicit numbers are given.</p>

<p>As for studying for the challenge math, the questions seemed on par with AMC10 & AMC12 level questions and the format (disregarding font) is very similar. There’s not much to study, but doing a few practice AMCs would be your best bet.</p>

<p>Ok. forgive me if this is a crazy/dumb question, but is there any way at all I could still get into this? I had read about this last year and completely forgot about it. I’m really interested in the cosmology course or the relativity and string theory course. I’m going to be a senior so this is my last chance. Is there anything I can do at this point?</p>

<p>I’m sorry, but I don’t think there’s anything that you can do if you’re going to be a senior. :confused:
You could try calling some professors to work something out, but I don’t know how much that will help. </p>

<p>Does anybody know when they mail out courses?</p>

<p>last year it was the first or second week of September. September 10th stands out in my mind, maybe as the day responses were due back? I can’t remember, and I threw out my planner from last year, so I can’t check.</p>

<p>anyone get their course selection forms???</p>

<p>Sorry, I’m not from Pingry!
I did get my course sheet though, does anyone have particular suggestions? like the previous post mentioned, which are more lecture-type and which are more interactive?</p>

<p>Hmmm I really don’t know what course to pick. I’m a bio-y person, and have really focused on bio, so idk if i should stick with a bio course or try something COMPLETELY different, like particle physics. is much background knowledge needed for the physics courses?</p>

<p>First day tomorrow. I /think/ I put down calculus in the complex plane as my first choice, and black holes as my second. Should be interesting.</p>

<p>Anybody here taking the Molecular Bacteriology and Genetics class?</p>

<p>Mhmm anyone here in my Algebraic Topology class of 12 people?</p>

<p>Also how is black holes? I’ve heard some mixed reports about that class.</p>

<p>hey guys i was wondering to anyone who’s taken or is taking Columbia’s Science Honors programs-</p>

<p>what are the classes like? are there tests/exams? is it like a classroom setting? if anyone has been to CTY-JHU, is it like that? </p>


<p>Some of the classes are labs, some are lectures in a lecture hall, others are lectures in a small classroom. I haven’t done CTY-JHU, so I’m not sure about similarities and differences there, other than that the shp classes are not for credit, and some of the JHU classes are. There are no tests or exams. It’s mostly just a learning environment, where teachers just kind of throw information at you. A lot of kids go and don’t even pay attention. We had one guy in my last class who showed up late and left early every week, then spent the entire class either on his laptop or reading a newspaper. There isn’t really a standardized anything, so classes are taught differently, and some have lunch breaks and some don’t, and some teachers are more interesting than others, so it’s hard to give any definitive description of what goes on in the program, since every semester is completely different.</p>

<p>I agree 200% with greenbean12t. </p>

<p>I took the astrophysics class this fall semester and the class was exactly like what you described…except no one was on computers…we were just doing other stuffs…Mostly because (I guess) it’s really not possible to comprehend all those stuff (lots of math) although there are a few hardcore students who paid attention and took notes and all (typically characterized by sitting in the front row seats)…I truly wish that I pick a more understandable course next semester so I can actually make this experience more pleasant and beneficial.</p>

<p>Hhahahah so I took the Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, and String THeory course this fall thinking that I, a mostly biology-oriented person, would dabble a bit in physics. The instructor teaching it was like a genius and it was in a huge lecture hall with 50 students (only like 10 girls, the rest nerdy white bois, asians, and Indians), and the class was basically MATH MATH MATH some string theory MATH MATH MATH. I admit I fell asleep a couple of times, and people seemed to be doing other homework. So yeah. Not the best course choice for me.</p>

<p>Okay guys,
I am going to take the test this year as a freshman, what do you suggest I do???</p>

<p>hey guys what are you writing about for your essay? i have no idea how to like… describe my interests? haha</p>