<p>LOL, agreed. if i end up as Columbia, i wouldn't mind if the british guy was my professor. (assuming he is one, that is.) </p>
<p>anybody get no. 2 on the challenge section?</p>
<p>do u remember the question? i might have gotten it...</p>
<p>dtl42, I know I answered #2, but I can't remember the actual question- what was it?</p>
<p>It is so annoying when my brother who is 2 years younger than me answered more questions than me on the math sections and chances are he got them all right (after telling me which ones I got wrong)!
I rushed through the science section and I realized I got an easy physics question wrong (that'll look good considering i put down my subject of interest as physics)</p>
<p>it was the one with the sideways "u" symbol i think with a couple sets of numbers, so i didnt really know what was goin on</p>
<p>I got 8 for that one. I think that has to do with sets and subsets (something i learned this year in pre-calculus) and X had to be a subset (including the improper subset) of {1,2,3,4,5} so it could be {1,2} or {1,2,3} or {1,2,3,4} or {1,2,3,4,5} or {1,2,3,5} or {1,2,4,5} or {1,2,4} or {1,2,5}. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong!</p>
<p>was the letter answer "e" by any chance, i dont remember my specific numeric answer</p>
<p>was the first one to the "challenge" math a ratio of 5/4 or 4/5?</p>
<p>i think all the proctors are students. and for that question i think i put 5/4 . i dunno how right that is lol remember that question from the challenge problems about the triangle ABC (each side is 12) and D is dropped from A onto BC, and E is the midpoint of AD? And they told us to find BE? Wasn't that terribly easy? I got something like radical 63.</p>
<p>yea thats exactly what i got</p>
<p>talking about the curve...heard from one of my friends who got in last year that columbia's running out of money so they usually give spots for the juniors unless there are extremely smart underclassmen..just so that they could give more chance to ppl or something? dunno lol just a rumor.</p>
<p>Yea the professor said most people are juniors cause they owuld benefit more from the program since they have more background knowledge.</p>
<p>so would it benefit to be a sophmore? so basically sophs and juniors have seniority? this would be the first time where i'd actually like seniority...</p>
<p>does anyone know when results come in? and do they tell you your scores for each section?</p>
<p>june 28 and your score is not reported. it just says if you got in or you didn't.</p>
<p>anyone know their letter answers for the challenge questions? I know my first two were "e" and thats about it, anyone</p>
<p>eek, i remember the first was e. but the second...uh...i don't think i got e. but don't count on me, you're probably right and probably much smarter than i am :)</p>
<p>i think the second question was the subset question... and I got e which was "none of the above". Challenge math wasn't as bad as I thought, Science wasn't as easy as I thought. Oh btw. for easy math, the very first question, how many feet make up a yard or something. what did you guys put? I got 1/36</p>
<p>i remember getting something like 1/3 for the first problem on the easy math...</p>
<p>1 yard= 36 inches.
1 ft=12 inches</p>
<p>1 inch is 1/36 of a yard. XKiwi you were right.</p>
<p>for the sandwich question i got 1.05
i thought those math challenge questions were really hard though</p>