Columbia University Science Honors Program ENTRANCE EXAMINATION

<p>yay me too!</p>

<p>me three!!!</p>

btw, is it true that 95% of SHP students go to Ivies</p>

<p>Probably not.</p>

<p>I got in (bit late of a response). But I got in, nonetheless. Anyone know what course theyre taking?</p>

<p>I'm thinking about Mind and Brain. Maybe Organic Chemistry</p>

does anyone know how many classes we're allowed to miss each semester? since sat's and psat's and act's and all that other good stuff are also saturday mornings.
thanks :)</p>

<p>4 a semester with valid excuses, 2 without</p>

<p>i just went to the site and i'm going to apply for the upcoming year..when exactly do these classes start, and is it useful? do u get credits or something?
ps. i haven't taken physics yet, how will i do good if i haven't taken physics in my h.s. yet?</p>

<p>^ thnxs..but im just worried about physics for the most part.</p>

<p>wat would u guys recommend as the part u definitely need to study for bio...?</p>

<p>How is the test on March 25? Someone took it? How many percent is the easy science section????</p>

<p>I'm worried about my science.</p>

<p>Good Luck guys. I'm a senior now. I remember taking this exam last year- I didn't make it into the program. No worries though :p I'm going to Columbia for college next year. Things work themselves out sometimes :)</p>

<p>I took the test this March, I think I did all right. I'm pretty sure I got all the math questions right, a 14/15 on the challenge problems. I dunno about science though, there was some stuff on there which I either didn't know or forgot.</p>

<p>hey guys, im a sophomore now and i got in cshp last year. its a really amazing program. a lot of the science is common sense, like interpreting graphs and stuff. i had only taken freshman physics, so i didnt know a lot of bio and stuff. read up on weather maps and rock layers though, and they had about 1~2 questions on circuits. the challenge part is the most important part. pm me if you have any questions! good luck! hope to see you next cshp semester!</p>

<p>how would you rate the math? like AMC 10 or AMC 12? that's wat i'm worried about that. I'm a freshman now and can handles the AMC 10 practice tests so much better than the AMC 12 practice tests. I'm not too worried about science..i'll just look over some old notes.... besides i heard from a lot of peopel the the challenge math section is wat pretty much decides your acceptance..</p>

<p>i guess i would say it was a combination of amc 10/12 level problems. if you answer the majority of them, i'd say you did pretty well. for the science part, i would look at some earth science stuff, and i remember questions on signs of a chemical not sure if they'll change the test for this yaear. the challenge math part is pretty much weighted the most, the other two are just to make sure you know the basics. i took it as a freshman last year, and the proctor was telling me how there's a curve for ages. although more juniors get in, its not impossible to get in as a freshman :]</p>

<p>thanks..i'm taking it 2morrow.. wish me luck!</p>

<p>another the test multiple choice? if no one answers by 7:30 A.M. tomorrow morning, I guess I'll find out on my own....</p>

<p>yeah the test is all multipile choice. for the first 2 sections they deduct for wrong answers, but not for the last. good luck 2moro! hope to see you at shp next year!! :]</p>

<p>thanks...that was good to know..hope 2 see u next year 2!</p>