<p>quitejaded: I don't think that's what I meant. =</p>
<p>Hmmm.. my dad stayed home to take care of me... was i supposed to turn out lesbian?</p>
<p>i personally dont think our society needs much fixing. we have it pretty good.</p>
<p>wabash- i dont follow you. will that be a big deal? is that any different from reading, "Timmy has no mother."</p>
If my feminist friends got a hold of you, you'd be very sorry
<p>Then your feminist friends would be fools to have a grown male take care of their kids....LOL</p>
Hmmm.. my dad stayed home to take care of me... was i supposed to turn out lesbian?
<p>***? Your Dad is your Dad....unless uncle is involved....</p>
<p>EDIT: Also, If I had lived with my Dad long enough, I would never doubt him..Same for my mom...But a random Babysitter? Seriously now, things happen.</p>
<p>wabash, what makes you think that attraction can be forced?</p>
<p>not forced, encoruged.</p>
<p>wabash- i dont follow you. will that be a big deal? is that any different from reading, "Timmy has no mother."
<p>that depends would these books say "alternative" lifestyles are ok?</p>
<p>the ignorance on this thread is suffocating......</p>
<p>For those who believe being gay is a choice........being gay is as much a choice as being straight. </p>
<p>Wabash, I don't suppose you've ever felt the urge to sleep with another man, because you're inclination was naturally towards females (I'm assuming, since homosexuality is such (detestable behavior). I'm guessing you didn't sit down at the kitchen table and make a pro and con list of being gay versus being straight, and decide being straight was the better alternative. Although acting on sexual desires is a choice, it is guided by an inner feeling. If you think it is so easy to stop being gay and turn straight, let's see if you can even hold hands with another man.</p>
<p>I won't even touch on the whole Christin crusade against perceived immorality. Stop waving the damn bible around every chance you get.</p>
<p>Man; this thread is disgusting....</p>
<p>wabash said: "being a homosexual is a choice. You are not predisposed to it. You can change."</p>
<p>to suppress one's attraction to the same sex, he or she would have to force him/herself not to be attracted to the same sex. how can one do that? attraction can't be forced.</p>
<p>I know you're addressing Wabash, but I wanted to comment.</p>
<p>"Although acting on sexual desires is a choice, it is guided by an inner feeling"</p>
<p>I don't think that's a particularily good argument. In the case of moral issues, having certain inner feelings doesn't strictly make acting upon those feelings justifiable. An alcoholic could blame getting drunk one night on having been "guided by an inner feeling [to drink]." Heck, even a murderer could say, "Although acting upon blood lust is a choice, it is guided by an inner feeling [to kill someone]." </p>
<p>I'm not comparing homosexuality to alcoholism or murder. I'm just saying your argument has a hole in it.</p>
<p>"I won't even touch on the whole Christin crusade against perceived immorality. Stop waving the damn bible around every chance you get."</p>
<p>THIS angers me.</p>
<p>Helix, stop acting like Christians are the only ones that are against homosexual acts. Believe it or not, anti-homosexual religious texts and beliefs are ubiquitous among MANY DIFFERENT nations and cultures, and has been for a long time.</p>
<p>Why don't you insult, deride and curse the Koran while you're at it? Modern Christian societies don't kill gays, after all. In certain Muslim countries, homosexuality is punished by death. In many Hindu and Jewish views, homosexuality is also a grave sin. It is NOT some sort of corner Christians have a market on.</p>
<p>"damn Bible"</p>
<p>Sweet of you to say. Really, why don't you just take a <em>beep</em> on the Torah and the Koran while you're on your "damn Bible" tangent. After all, the three books share a lot of certain moral ideas and beliefs... including that homosexuality is a sin.</p>
<p>elisa, i don't know who you are talking to (you may be confusing me with somebody else), but the nature of my question doesn't deal with homosexual behavior but rather, what exactly makes a person homosexual in the first place. sure, a straight person could have sex with a member of the same sex and that would be constituted as homosexual behavior. but they would still be considered straight. there are homosexuals who don't engage in homosexual behavior, but they're still homosexual.</p>
<p>Did I use bible verses?</p>
<p>elisamariah, thanks:)</p>
<p>elisamariah, </p>
<p>your arguments have holes in them as well. Being a murderous lunatic or killing someone while you're driving drunk is wrong and hurtful to society, I agree. These things are in no way similar to wanting to tell your loved ones that you are gay, however, and hoping that you can live the rest of your life with the partner of your choosing without being told that you are a sinner. Despite what you might think, being gay is no more detrimental to society than being straight is. There are just as many cheating, promiscuous, immoral straight people as there are gay people, if not more. </p>
<p>As for your commetns regarding other holy texts, thanks for reminding me that Christianity is not the only religion that preceives homosexuality as sin. </p>
<p>I would think that after all the progress humanity has made, people would stop using thousand year old religious texts as their basis for morality. Stop insisting that whole countries and groups of people change their beliefs just because your god says so. Just because the Bible, or the Torah, or the Koran says that homosexuality is a sin doesn't mean that I must accept this, or that people living in a country should be subject to a religious code, which, is what the conservative Christian movement is all about, as well as the dispicable acts being commited in some places in the Middle East (killings and degradation of women, brutal murders in the name of martyrdom, etc.) </p>
<p>A society's moral code should not be derived from religious teachings, no matter what the book is, or how many pages are dedicated to not commiting this supposed sin.</p>
<p>"There are just as many cheating, promiscuous, immoral straight people as there are gay people, if not more."</p>
<p>I'm pretty sure you're right.</p>
<p>"I would think that after all the progress humanity has made, people would stop using thousand year old religious texts as their basis for morality"</p>
<p>This statement is problematic. In truth, much progress has been made BECAUSE of religion teachings. For instance, if one is familiar with the New Testament and the philosophy and teachings of Jesus, examples of this are very clear. Jesus was exceptionally progressive for His time, and in some cases still is in view of our modern society. A favorite saying of an uber-liberal friend of mine is that "Jesus was a liberal."</p>
<p>You won't like reading the following summary, but please read it to understand my point: According to the Bible, Jesus loved the poor, the lame, the blind, the leprous. He told people to not discriminate and hate foreigners (Good Samaritan story), forgave and was compassionate toward even prostitutes (the prostitute with the alabaster jar of perfume) and tax collectors (eating and dining with them). The groups of people just mentioned were considered the SCOURGE of their society. Jesus was revolutionary and extraordinarily progressive in the way He treated people, with fairness and kindness regardless of social station or reputation. </p>
<p>Do the principles behind those Bible stories about Christ's kindness NOT fit in agreement with your beliefs? After all, they're "just thousand year old religious texts", right?</p>
<p>DON'T state that religious texts are invalid and are not useful in this "progressed" society of ours, simply because they are so "old." Much progress in our world HAS been made BECAUSE of old, ancient religious texts that still bear weight, significance and meaning in our modern life. </p>
<p>Just because they are "old" texts doesn't denegrate their worth. I think this was a very wrong and not particularily informed statement of yours to make.</p>
<p>"Stop insisting that whole countries and groups of people change their beliefs just because your god says so."</p>
<p>What do you mean by this? What countries? What beliefs? What specifically are you referring to?</p>
<p>"A society's moral code should not be derived from religious teachings"</p>
<p>So what IS morality? How do we form basis of moral thought and law without complying with or drawing from some sort of religious background? </p>
<p>This is a giant hole in your statement. Are you saying that because it's a religious teaching, it shouldn't be valid for use in a society's moral code? </p>
<p>The Ten Commandments tells people not to, for example, steal or kill. Those are certainly religious teachings that most people have been brought up to understand and follow. But, according to you, because those commandments are "thousands of years old" and are "religious teachings" they should not be included in a society's moral code?</p>
<p>Then what is morality to you at all?</p>
<p>EDIT :) 10characmax</p>
<p>EDIT :)</p>
<p>EDIT :)</p>
<p>EDIT :)</p>
<p>wow sloc why are you visiting gay porn story sights? Maybe you are gay?</p>