<p>Here is my short answer. Any comments? (I did a word count and it is under 150)</p>
<p>Every day I am awake long before my peers. I rinse out buckets, throw hay, and distribute grain among friends: My horses. For thirteen years I have been an equestrian. While my peers were at the mall, I was mucking stalls and refilling buckets. I loved every second of it. Through the cold winters and hot summers, I took on the responsibility of caring for all three horses. I managed it with school, and always loved the happiness that riding brought me. My riding has made me into a better person, because taking care of animals is what kept me on track. I compete for two different stables, Casa Lusitana and Wetherbee Farm, as well as compete the horse I trained myself, Rock Star. The sport keeps me busy, but that hard work is what gives me my confidence and love for the sport as well as animals.</p>