CommonApp and Naviance

My school uses Naviance so I need to use it for my recommendations. However, I am unable to add colleges to the “colleges I’m applying to” list (there’s no option). I’m not sure if my commonapp is matched with naviance because I dont recall including my commonapp account on naviance and there’s no option for it contrary to the video on the Naviance FAQ page. Should I notify my counselor or is this going to appear soon?

Talk to your GC. Different schools set it up different ways. Some schools only allow the GCs office to update those lists.

Usually your GC sets this up, at least that’s how it was at our high school. Also, in order for it to be matched to Naviance, my D had to sign FERPA first.

My daughter’s school updates that list when a transcript request is made. Transcript requests are made outside of Naviance.