Community College Credit transfering to UM???

<p>Hi, I'm living in Ohio now and they have this program with the CC's here that if you are a rising senior in H.S., you can take classes at a CC for free. I'll probably take a couple of classes, and take APs in H.S., so I'll probably have some credit going in to college.</p>

<p>But how much CC credit does UM accept? Will it hurt that it was in Ohio? Does it depend on the classes? It will look good on my application and for scholarships to UM at least, or no?</p>


<p>I know I'm a little late in replying - but in my case (and at least four other freshman who I know here) have been able to transfer over 30 credits.</p>

<p>Usually on many school's websites, in the "Transfer Admissions" section of the website you can find out the course equivalency and how they would transfer over as what classes and such.</p>