<p>Hi I am currently enrolled at a california community college. i am a business major and will be, have been applying to schools ready to transfer at the junior level. 60 semester units, 90 quarter units. My question is what are my chances of being accepted to out of state pubilc ivys. I am looking at school like Penn State. Univ Of Texas Austin and Univ of Mich. Or any other know and respected school with a business program. I am a business major with most of my pre reqs completed. i have all of my lower divsion GE completed. depending of which classes are weighted my college GPA is between 2.9-3.2.
thank you guys.</p>
<p>Texas and Michigan would be big reaches.</p>
<p>Why only look at public colleges? Private schools that use less of a formula for admission may benefit you and won’t cost much more than OOS publics.</p>
<p>A GPA of approximately 3.0 from a community college may not be sufficient to enable you to transfer to top tier business programs.</p>
<p>yeah there are many well respected private colleges in my area that have a good reputation. Ie Univ of San Deigo or Champman Univ or Occidental college which i have a pretty good chance of attending. financially these school are pretty much impossible, and i dont quailify for student loans because of my parents income. which dosent mean much since the cost of living hear is ridiculus. how about these other schools</p>
<p>UNC chappel hill
Univ Colorado Boulder
Univ of Virgina
Ohio State
Univ of Florida
Univ of Arizona</p>
<p>since applications are expensive, if some one could name a few schools, preferably some of the ones a mentioned that i have a chance of getting into. thanks again.</p>
<p>The OOS publics are not much cheaper than the priivates. And honestly, any of the highly selective business programs like UVA’s and UNC’s will be very hard with a 3.0. Arizona seems possible, but any number of CSU’s are of equal quality for less money.</p>
<p>well whatever happens, happens atleast the women at SDSU are hot, and they put out.</p>
<p>Transfer to Penn State University Park is going to be difficult with a 3.0. I would definitely still apply, though, as it is always hard to completely predict transfer acceptance. Also, PSU does not accept transfer students into Smeal business school, which may be fine if you are willing to change your major. A school that I would suggest you look into is Indiana. It is sometimes list as a public ivy, has great resources, and I believe you would have a better shot at getting accepted than at some of the schools you have listed. Best of luck.</p>
<p>don’t listen to Jec. he thinks that penn state is way more prestigious than it is because he is obsessed with u.s news. they accepet over half of their freshman applicants and im sure they are even more lenient with transfers as all schools are.</p>
<p>bpmarissa, I think your post is pretty out of line. I don’t think my post was anywhere near unreasonable, nor did I say anything about US News in it. I think it is going to be difficult to transfer in with a 3.0. I didn’t say it was impossible, just difficult. Plus, it’s not possible to transfer into the business school. You may want to actually read the post before you start attacking someone.</p>