community colleges - best articulation

<p>I am looking for community colleges in the US with the best and most number of articulation agreements with 4 year universities..</p>

<p>Any help is much appreciated!</p>

<p>Thank you! :)</p>

<p>Basically I would guess all CC’s have articulations with universities within the state, just make sure to enroll in a associate of science program which is the best way to go if you want to continue and transfer to a university.</p>

<p>FYI, you don’t have to get a degree from a CC and be in the same state, you can go to a CC in Florida or New York and still transfer all classes to a university in California. For example, if your majoring in business; almost all A.S. degrees around the country have same classes which are the normal business core classes such as accounting and economics, etc and the general education classes such as math, science, english, so on.</p>