Competition for Business Majors

<p>Many of the discussion threads have talked about applying by August 1st. Is that just for Engineering Majors? I am interested in Mays College of Business and will be in College Station touring on August 1st and 2nd. I was planning to apply early but hadn't expected that early.</p>

<p>Engineering and Business are the two most competitive schools. If you want to go to either you better apply early. Even if you are an auto admit. They do rolling admits and if you wait too long, all the spots may be filled.</p>

<p>Take it from someone who did wait too long. APPLY EARLY! It’s a serious hassle trying to transfer into Mays later.</p>

<p>How early do you suggest to apply? I plan to turn in my application and essays in late August, then turn in my SAT scores in October.</p>

<p>Apply as early as you possibly can. Are you top 10%?</p>

<p>At campus visit, they encouraged us to print out an Apply Texas application and have all the information ready, and write the essay questions in Word, and then be ready to fill it all in and cut and paste the essay questions as soon as the application becomes available. They will not review your application until all of your documentation is complete and submitted.</p>

<p>Have you taken the SAT before, or will October be your first time?</p>

<p>I would definitely recommend applying by early October at the latest. If you have one SAT or ACT done maybe apply in September. Then forward the next score in when you take the test?</p>

<p>I talked to admissions earlier this summer and they said that anything not received by their December 1 deadline will not be considered for admission whatsoever. They also said that since the deadline changed from December 1 this year from what it used to be on January 15, there is a chance that the October SAT (since it takes a few weeks to process and actually get the schools you requested the scores to be sent to) won’t make it into the system on time for their deadline. So it’s definitely better to get the SAT out of the way earlier rather than later.</p>

<p>Take the ACT in addition. You can probably take it in September.</p>

<p>Yes, if you can get your application in by the end of August it would be the best (sooner if possible). The sooner you get your application in the sooner you’ll get your acceptance. I would suggest you immediately upon acceptance put your deposit on housing. This will give you the first selection of on campus housing. It is a first come first serve basis. Everyone wants to live in the new Hulabaloo dorm. It is fabulous!!!</p>

<p>Yea. D is in that hall this year. It is very nice. She’s in a 2 room suite.</p>

<p>Mine too! It is beautiful. Maybe our D’s are roommates? Haha</p>

<p>My older D is in Mays. She applied on the first day to make sure she got her spot. She graduates in May and has already been offered full time employment at a top 4 Accounting firm. Join the Business Fraternity (Phi Beta Lambda) for excellent networking.</p>

<p>Congrats on the job offer! The high job placement rate at Mays is one of the reasons my oldest cited for going to school here (she gave up a hefty scholarship elsewhere)- actually surprised that they don’t advertise it even more.</p>