Computer Based Honors Program Notification

Has anyone heard if they were accepted into the program or if they were wait listed?

No word yet

Has anyone been reimbursed for their travel expenses yet? I fear my lackadaisical child missed the news on where to pick up the check…

It should come in the mail.


We haven’t received reimbursement either.

I got an email a few days ago asking for a receipt from the plane tickets. No word yet if I’m in or not though.

Just received reimbursement today,.
Still…no decision.

We just received reimbursement as well but still nothing about acceptance. :frowning:

Maybe y’all (testing out the use of the word/contraction/phrase) will get excited to see a new message in this thread. :stuck_out_tongue: Just hanging out. We were hoping for a Pi day Pie Celebration, but it would be equally joyous to make it a St. Patrick’s Day celebration. Or, if a celebration is not to be, a Pi in the face day. Or a drown our sorrows in a green beverage day (is Green Sweet Tea even a possibility?).

Sounds like UFE heard through snail mail – do you think that’s the case with CBH? Thought emails had been mentioned in the past.

go enjoy some of the nice weather and some pi.

We received reimbursement too but no other information. No emails, nothing…

Anyone out there NOT get the reimbursement yet? My D has already let CBHP know that she is accepting elsewhere, so I am a bit embarrassed having her call to ask on the reimbursement… maybe will wait a day or two. I hope that all of you/your kiddos get great CBHP news over the next day or two!!!

I haven’t gotten reimbursed yet. If you wouldn’t mind telling though, where is she accepting?

Ours came in the mail and the check was made out to my daughter.

@ARandomGeek - thanks! Will wait a bit to see if it shows up in the mail. My D accepted a Foundation Fellowship at the University of Georgia. Here’s hoping you all who are waiting hear good news about CBHP soon!!!

Someone just posted their CBH acceptance letter on Facebook (it was snail mailed)

We just received acceptance in the mail. DD is so excited! We can’t thank the CC family enough for all the great information. Wanted to share that it is a plain white envelope ( with awesome news). I actually thought it was the reimbursement check. Best wishes as you check the mail the next several days. Roll Tide!

^^ flmomof4^^…make that the 2nd future CBHP’er for 2015 from the great state of Florida as our DS just received his acceptance letter this afternoon as well! Best of luck to everyone waiting to hear…they said that this was by far the most competitive group of applicants that they’ve ever had. ROLL TIDE!

Congratulations to those students that were accepted!!

To those who didn’t get accepted; Please know that there are so many awesome opportunities at UA…

My daughter received her acceptance today via USPS.