I am a freshman majoring in Computer Information Systems, which would result in a BBA. However, over the weekend while doing some research, I was wondering if I should add a double major in Computer Science (and graduate with a BS). Would this be advantageous in any way, or would it simply be extra work?
Do you want to be a developer or manager of computers and their software?
Both majors have value, it just depends upon what job/career you want.
In the business world CS majors are more qualified for technical developer roles and can lead to other roles like systems architect. And more qualified for developer roles at technical companies building software, systems, etc.
CIS majors qualify to be developers too, but it tends to be more application focused (like programming ERP or other software packages) or roles like report development, networking, security, and other related functions. CS majors can do these roles too, but it is much more difficult for CIS majors to do what CS can do.
My opinion and experience is that the management role goes to qualified people regardless of major. It really is a different function and takes you away from the detailed technical work. So people really interested in doing the technical stuff tend to avoid those roles. Since the CIS major often is in the business college you get more general business classes which can help with your management tasks. Some CS majors can and do take management positions. But probably more of these pisitions go to CIS because they tend to be a little less technically focused and more business focused.
If you want to be a developer, CS is the better fit major.
If you want to be a manager of computers and software (i.e. IT/MIS type work), then CIS is typically aimed at that. However, those with a more technical CS background can easily handle the technical aspects of the job (and probably better) than those with a more business-based CIS background (though the non-technical aspects may be a different story). Someone who wants to go into IT/MIS type work and majoring in CIS may want to consider taking some CS courses in operating systems, networks, security, and databases to get a stronger foundation of technical knowledge for the technical aspects of the job.
Seems like good advise aboveā¦ probably best to pick one or the other.