Computer Science at Purdue

Hi! I just wanted to know if I have a realistic shot at Purdue with reasonable tuition/board costs. My state of residency is Indiana.

Background Info: Moved to the US two years ago, had to learn English, help family, learn and fit into the American education system, skipped a school year and started highschool in the middle of the school year. Currently in the low income (30k) zone.

Grade level: Junior

Demographics: Asian male (small, poor country)

GPA: 4.0/4.0 uw, 4.8/5.33w by the time I graduate (All A pluses, few A’s)

Languages: Can speak 3, read/write 4th, learning 5th

Courses: Currently taking AP Lang, Calc AB, AP Phy 2/C, APUSH, AP Comp sci etc. Was placed in Algebra 1 and English basic skills development when I first came here so couldn’t really take weighted classes freshman year as they weren’t available. Took the math finals sophomore year and skipped to precalc. Junior and Senior year I actually have the chance to take classes so I’m taking the hardest classes available because I like studying.

ECs: Model UN, Chess club (best player but no awards yet), Astronomy Club, Robotics, Quizbowl, NHS etc. Not sure if this is EC but I’m really into computers and arduino so I build stuff at home and there isn’t really a club related to this. No sports yet because I’m weak :frowning:

Standardized Test Scores: 1330 SAT (730m, 600en) which is pretty bad so I’m working on learning the English terms (hopefully will get above 1400 next time). Haven’t taken ACT yet.

Awards: Bunch of school awards, local state university comp sci awards

Sorry if I made any mistakes, I’m still learning English. Thanks for reading! I’m open for feedback.

CS is a very competitive major, so the 1130 SAT definitely needs to come up some.

Purdue requires (not recommends) three years of social studies as well. Have you met that requirement between your two high schools?

1330, not 1130, with a low EBRW score from a recent English learner.

@Groundwork2022 well I didn’t go to highschool in my country because I skipped a year but I should have 3 years of social studies by the time I graduate (world history, APUSH, AP Gov and AP Econ). Also I’m working on my English sat I know it’s pretty bad. I’ve practiced the math part and getting 770-780 on average but English is my weak point. Thanks for your comment :slight_smile: