Concerned about being rescinded from Carnegie Mellon [4.0 -> 3.71 (12th fall) -> 2.86 (12th spring)]

Unless the college has overyielded, and decides to rescind those admits in the gray area of their vaguely worded admission conditions to remove the overyield situation.

here’s my resume, if that helps—hopefully I didn’t just barely get admitted or anything like that

That thread refers to getting a D grade in a college multivariable calculus course. What semester did you get the D grade in? In particular, did CMU know about it before admitting you?

Again, being rescinded is unlikely. Your GC didn’t suggest you send an email, but you want to anyway, just in case. Did you say this to the GC?

If the GC seems unwilling, I see no harm in you sending a short email. Keep emotions out of it as much as possible. You could say something like this:

Dear Mr. Jones (your regional AO),
In my final transcript, you will notice a grade drop in my last semester. I take responsibility for the change in my grades and want to explain the situation.

My grandfather has been in the hospital, very unwell, many visits to hospital, interfered with ability to complete work. Strain on family (or whatever your situation is, but stay focused and keep it short.)

I am doing all I can to improve my grades. I have gone to extra help with teacher, etc…

I realize that my current grades are not up to the standards of CMU. I intend to make use of the tutoring center and Professor office hours while I am at CMU, etc… Please let me know if there is anything else I should do at this time.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Johnny Smith

In your shoes, I would send an email. You’re already in, and it can’t hurt. At the very least, it should pre-empt you getting a stern email from them, which seems likely with three C’s.

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One of my Cs miraculously converted into a B. There’s no way I get rescinded now, right? Should I pursue the A in Spanish or is that not necessary anymore now that I have a 3.0?

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You likely never were going to …

Best of luck.

Why would you not keep doing your best to get a higher grade? As most of us have stated, you are unlikely to be rescinded, but why take the risk? It makes no sense.


Sounds like a really stressful year! You’re doing a great job of getting your grades up where you can. Try to get the A in Spanish, and then move on. Life happens to the best of us. You’re a good student. Get some downtime and rest this summer, so you’ll be more focused this fall.

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