Concerned OOS transfer student: Is Spring Semester considered in Fall admissions.....

<p>I am applying for Fall 2014 for Petroleum Engineering. The last day of spring semester for me is June 5th and I had just read this on the Texas A&M website: Transfer</a> | How to be Admitted - Office of Admissions | Texas A&M University </p>

<p>"In the case a student is denied for the fall term, spring grades may then be used in the admissions decision if received by June 1 and if space is still available in the intended major."</p>

<p>Does this mean spring grades are not considered to begin with? My last day of Spring semester is June 5th and will be past the deadline to submit my grades. I have a perfect gpa, with stellar EC's, and will have all prerequisite courses completed by spring. The thing is, I am taking about 3 of the prerequisite courses in the spring. My final question is: Does this mean I am screwed?</p>

<p>You’re not screwed. The grades aren’t considered when you first apply for the fall because they will not show up. On the application it asks you what classes you are taking and you will thus list the pre-reqs you are taking during the spring semester. You will be denied provisionally if your other requirements are met. In other words, if you have a good GPA/reqs then you will just have to submit your final transcript and more than likely be accepted. However, when you first submit you will be denied but it will say if you submit a current transcript from the spring they will re-evaluate.</p>

<p>Thank you for that detailed answer. Is it possible this also puts me at a disadvantage because the major and department I am applying for is so sought after?</p>

<p>It very well could put you at a disadvantage. I’m not sure how much of one, but it would be disadvantageous to you.</p>

<p>Are there any ramifications for reapplying for spring semester? I think they just mention you have to state why you are reapplying for readmission but is there anything else?</p>

<p>You are reading that wrong. If you apply for this spring and they deny you, then you sit out fall and reapply for the following spring you don’t have to state anything. You must state why you are reapplying if you are being readmitted i.e. if you were enrolled at TAMU before then sat out a few semesters and are coming back. In your situation, there is nothing that would prevent you from being accepted as long as you have all of the requirements met.</p>