Confused about 2015 App

<p>Just submitted my application and paid the fee, but there was nowhere to enter my ACT score or any academic information about myself… I just found this a little odd and was wondering if I missed something or what was supposed to happen from here.</p>

<p>@sshsdancer97 D and I will be filling it out tomorrow. I will be sure to let you know what we encounter. However, could it be that the high school transcript and ACT scores you submit will speak for themselves- therefore there is no specific place on the app for this information?</p>

<p>You need to send your ACT and your transcript; the academic information they need will be contained in those. The UA application is very simple.</p>

<p>Okay! Thanks guys haha just wasn’t sure considering this is the first application I’ve done!</p>

<p>Provide your last name and your assigned UA CWID. If prompted for a PIN, use your birth date in MMDDYY format, e.g. September 12, 1985 is 091285. </p>

<p>After you fill out and submit the application and make payment…when/how do you get the assigned UA CWID in order to set up your myBama account?</p>

<p>Never mind…found on their website that it gets emailed to the student within 48 hrs.</p>

<p>CWID may take a little longer than 48 hours sometimes.</p>

<p>Son applied last night and put his transcripts in the mail this morning. He said the application was about as simple as knowing your name and social security number. Looks like you have to wait for a CWID to be issued to complete the scholarship application. Will the CWID be issued prior to receipt of the transcripts?</p>

<p>Yes, you get your CWID through email not long after submitting your application.</p>

<p>As the mom of a rising UA sophomore and about to go through the process with child #2, I would suggest that you wait for the CWID to be assigned before sending the transcripts, so you can write the number on the transcript envelope. Less likely for any mixup to happen that way when Admissions is putting files together, imo.</p>

<p>A lot of official transcripts are being sent electronically lately where UA just had to download them and it’s instant.</p>

<p>I wish our school would do them electronically. They won’t even send them out because they don’t want to spend the postage! They just seal them and give them to the students to send out themselves.</p>

<p>We thought about waiting for the CWID # to identify the transcript envelope but he wanted to get it sent. He identified it with his SS# so hopefully there won’t be a mix up.</p>

<p>I thought this thread would kinda apply to my current situation! I really want to apply as soon as I can. I’m expecting to get the OOS scholarship (30 act and 3.6 GPA). I’m going to apply to honors college. I had my act score sent when I took it in march. Our schools counselors office is closed until school begins (August 22) so basically am I going to have to wait to send I’m my app until the counselor sends my transcript? Do I use the printed app or online? Just hoping someone can give me a general explanation/order of how and when I should go about this process. Thanks!!</p>

<p>You can apply now and send your transcript when it’s available. UA will make an admissions decision once it receives your transcript(s) and test scores. Most people will apply online unless they need/want to use the paper application. The online application is quick and there is no essay required for admission. There are essays required for admission into Honors College programs, but they are used to get to know you as a person, not for any admissions decisions.</p>

<p>Consider retaking the ACT and SAT to see if you can get a higher score and thus a larger merit scholarship. Provided you take the tests by a certain date, UA will update your application and scholarships to reflect the higher score, even if you already applied/were admitted.</p>

<p>It’s all but guaranteed that you will be admitted to UA. You will be automatically admitted to the University Honors Program and International Honors programs due to your grades and test scores, but you will still have to submit an application to the Honors College.</p>

<p>Thanks so much! Will I be notified of the scholarship I’ll be receiving right away when I’m (hopefully) admitted? </p>

<p>You don’t formally get offered the scholarship until March. However, UA sends out letters saying you’re qualified to get the scholarship around the same time, occasionally before, you get an acceptance letter. Note that one can see if they’re admitted on myBama a few days before the acceptance letter arrives. Note that UA’s acceptance letters come standard envelopes which don’t include much beyond the acceptance letter and possibly a window cling, so don’t be surprised if you get a small, thin envelope in the mail.</p>