Congressional Page?

<p>I'm thinking about applying for a nomination as a Senate or House of Representatives Page over the summer. My mom thinks this is mostly secretary work and won't look good on a resume - I think that's retarded. Does anyone have any personal experience with pagehood and college admissions, or second-hand knowledge? Very much appreciated.</p>

<p>it is a secretary job. you just send messages. </p>

<p>but you get to observe senate/house sessions, and might even develop a few contacts in washington. i say go for it.</p>

<p>I deeply regret not having done it – even if its just secretarial work, I wouldn’t miss a chance to observe House sessions and the workings of washington. :)</p>

<p>Despite the secretarial work, most people don’t really know what Pages do.</p>

<p>The whole ‘I worked in Congress thing’ looks impressive to people who don’t know. And because of the high selective process, it’s kinda impressive to those who know the truth.</p>

<p>It is secretarial work, but I know more than a few people at Yale and other ivies who have done similar things. In short, it’ll look good to colleges.</p>

<p>blue<em>star</em>cadet, weren’t you admitted to Dartmouth ED? If so, why does the effect that this has on college admissions matter to you?</p>

<p>I was a Senate Page and its NOT secretarial work. PM me and let me know your state I’ll let you know a bit about the program.</p>

<p>This year three out of fifty one senate pages got into Ivy League schools, but I think thats much lower than normal and I only know of five who applied. I heard last year there were 8 (out of 59-60) solely at Harvard.</p>

<p>This thread was started in 2008.</p>

<p>^^ Even so, there’s not that much current info about these so programs, so if it helps anyone else…</p>

<p>If anyone is interested in the House Page program, email me at <a href=""></a>
this is definitely NOT secretarial work! :P</p>