<p>My son (10th grade) just attended this GREAT program in Washington DC.
I have to first comment to poster NANTZIN - as a teacher, it astonishes me that you just throw away this material because you are unfamiliar with the program. What a disservice to your students! </p>
<p>Anyway - my son was recommended for this program from his h.s. guidance dept, and I was skeptical of the smooth marketing materials and high price tag. However, I did the research and found the program to be legitimate. Yes, the "selectivity" is questionable, as they 'request' schools to only nominate a certain range of student and they do not appear to validate the candidates credentials. Schools recommend students who are supposed to have a 3.7 and show leadership potential. </p>
<p>This program CYLC::</a> Congressional Youth Leadership Council is a non profit 501(c)(3) org, and is high a caliber leadership / government conference. There are 5 day conferences in the fall and spring and longer in the summer. About 250 HS students from around the country attended my sons fall conference, and they were a bright, outspoken, thoughtful, intelligent, etc. group of students. The week was spent learning about our government through lectures and meetings with DC officials, as well as researching and performing 3 mock scenarios: President; Congress; Supreme Court. They did some touring around DC, but also spent time on the house floor, watched and learned about a vote congress making, met with their state's congressional representatives and senators, met w/ the press corp. etc. </p>
<p>As an example of their group activities, my son was chief lobbyist for a mock congressional task, and had to go to the various caucuses to lobby for his bill. In addition to learning about our government, he truly did have an awesome "leadership" experience. He spoke frequently to the entire group during their exercises. </p>
<p>Probably one of the best benefits to me was his meeting other high caliber students like himself who are passionate about government and politics, and who intelligently debate the issues. He loved loved loved it, and is planning on either going back to this organization for their global conference, or their presidential inauguration week. </p>
<p>do the research on this one..it is a quality experience.
(By the way, I would not say this is a gold star on the college application, just a great experience. I would only recommend it for kids interested in politics and debate, not just something for their resume)</p>