Consider Baruch for Business

<p>This is a very nice thread, Taxguy. For about 2 months now, I have been considering transferring to UBuffalo, UAlbany, or Baruch College, once I get 24 credits. The problem with Baruch is that it’s so close to home[i’m from NYC], that it would be stupid for me to not stay home and just commute to the school while not needing to take out any loans for room and board since i’d just sleep and eat at home.</p>

<p>That’s the exact problem, I want to move out and get, not only a college experience but finally just be on my own and only UBuffalo or UAlbany can give me that[from the schools I can afford]. Though this thread really made my mouth drool with all the stuff you mentioned Baruch has. I knew about most of it, but you added other things I didn’t know about it.</p>

<p>Great thread, you were very informative. I’m surprised I didn’t read this thread before, it should be one of the first links google suggests when you put Baruch College in search because it’s so informative. I wish you can make a thread like this about SUNY UBuffalo and SUNY UAlbany as well, but I understand you’re not even from NYC let alone NY. Thanks.</p>

<p>Kel2012, I don’t know enough about UA or UB as I know about Baruch since, being an alumnus, I was given a tour of the school and visited Manhattan to view grad schools for my daughter. Frankly, I would bet that you would have better connections and internships arising from Baruch than from Buffalo or Albany.</p>

<p>Hi everyone, sorry to post this now but i just received my sat scores. I got the same, 1070(CR-470 M-600), I have a 91.68 GPA(about 3.7). I’m a senior I’ve taken AP calculus ab, AP US History, 3 college now classes, and currently AP statistics. I have about 40 hours of community service and I am desperate to get into Baruch because I hear its very popular for its business programs. Please, how are my chances looking? I also am; submitting 2 letters of recommendation(one from the head of the math dept. at my school) and 1 college essay</p>

<p>HSlife27, I just answered you in another thread that you started on the same question.</p>


<p>Why did you start another thread with the exact same opening post as “why Baruch is better than NYU”? What is the point?</p>

<p>I’m a current student and one major drawback to Baruch is that we’re not allowed to take any higher level courses related to our major until later on.</p>

<p>When you apply to the school, you pick the major you want but when you get in, you’re not in the business school yet, you have to take 8 prerequisite as well as have a certain number of credits before you can get into Zicklin. The earliest you can get into Zicklin is 2nd semester sophomore year (The reason for this is that some of the prerequisite for Zicklin require you to have 30 credits before you can register for the class). Most people get into Zicklin at the end of their sophomore year. Now the problem with this is that other schools already have students that took higher level courses and will have more knowledge of the field. For example, I am an Accounting major, 2nd semester sophomore. I am taking the Accounting 2101 course this semester. Many of my other friends in other school are already taking higher level Accounting courses. When applying for jobs and internships, they would look better since they have taken more classes related to the job.</p>

<p>I didnt get accepted into Baruch College for their fall 2013 semester :frowning: I got a 1080 on sat math and reading with a 3.7 GPA</p>

<p>Sorry hslife. Baruch is one of the harder CUNYs to get into. Just go to a community college or elsewhere and then transfer.</p>

<p>@taxguy, if I go to another CUNY or community college and do well in the first year, like a 3.6+ GPA, what are my chances of getting into Baruch as a second year transfer?</p>

<p>CUNY to CUNY is a pretty easy transfer.
3.6 should be a guaranteed transfer.</p>

<p>I got in earlier last month. 1140 CR+M and 3.6 GPA</p>

<p>When did you apply? Cause I applied more than a month ago and still do not know the decision. GPA 3.74. SAT R+M 1360. Applied as a transfer</p>

<p>Hey Kandmitry, did you hear anything from Baruch yet?</p>

<p>I applied as a transfer student as well. Baruch has always been my first choice and I LOVE Manhattan but I did a silly mistake that made me applied after passing 2 months of the deadline. </p>

<p>I emailed the admission and they said I still have the opportunity. I am still waiting. I check my application status every time I am online haha</p>

<p>I understand if they reject me, one of the reasons is because of the very late application. However, I am trying to be optimistic.</p>

<p>Hey Taxguy;</p>

<p>What happened to Baruch? You equate Barauch with programs like NYU and Fordham (better as it is cheaper), yet what happend in the 2013 Bussinesweek undergrad rankings? In 2011 Baruch was 65th (NYU was 12th, Fordham 49th).</p>

<p>For 2013 NYU is 14th, Fordham 40th and Baruch is??? Not ranked!!!</p>

<p>SO, what happened???</p>

<p>(OK, I poke fun abit, but I am serious…I am surprised and want to understand why such a drop as the rankings go up to 150)</p>

<p>RamRay, I don’t know what factors are used in the rankings,but I have rarely seen any rankings that I thought had value. I never said Baruch was as highly ranked as NYU or even Fordham. However, not withstanding the rankings, the hiring, especially in certain majors such as accounting, is still stellar. When you add this to the INCREDIBLY low price of tuition, it becomes a no brainer in my humble opinion. I would probably NOT pick Baruch over other CUNYs for majors like science, humanities etc. However, for business, it is hard to beat. Anyway, this is my opinion for whatever it is worth to you.</p>

<p>Hey, I think Baruch is a fine B school and a really good value…I am actually surprised that Businessweek did not have them included this year…I am guessing that perhaps Baruch did not fill out the paperwork for the information BW collects so was not included. With over 1,000 B schools in the nation, a rank of 65th is pretty darn good and I just don’t get what happened. As good as Baruch is, a good ranking helps with recognition and evaluation of B schools for many families. Baruch has got to get back on the list next year.</p>

<p>can you please send a link of Baruch’s 65th ranking on Businessweek? I wish they crack the top 50 next year. They deserve the recognition. Thanks</p>

<p>Will accounting employers continue to recruit at Baruch through 2017-2018? I’m a soon to be senior in high school that will be majoring in accounting two falls from now (your post from a while ago about accounting was actually the “straw that broke the camels back” in talking me into accounting. And will an 1180 SAT with a 3.3–3.4 make me an “average” applicant or will that “get me in”?</p>

<p>what are my chances of getting into Baruch with a 3.7gpa? btw I’m an international student </p>