Contacts vs Glasses?

<p>Right now I am going through a non-academic dilemma. I have been wearing glasses for the past four years. While I do not have anything against glasses, I kind of want a change. For those of you that have dealt with either one or both, please give your suggestion. I am looking at contacts seriously, but do not know! Thanks!</p>

<p>I’ve been in the same situtation. Recently, I switched to contacts; in my opinion, it was the best decision I have ever made. Just make sure when you’re at home doing homework, you wear glasses…</p>

<p>I had glasses for a short period of time and have had contacts about a month now ( switched beause of softball season), and i would recommend contacts any day. You don’t feel them , and it’s like seeing the world over again. It’ll take really long to get them in at first (my first week- when i was on a trial pair took my 10 minutes!) but now I get them in in about a minute. It’s a great alternative to glasses, but keep your glasses around, like me i wear them when i’m doing my whole sweatpants, hair up it just goes lol</p>

<p>Best of luck</p>

<p>With contacts, you have to be very careful and delicate with them. In my opinion, glasses are the better alternative because they are just easy, you put them on and you take them out. Contacts, however kind of suck, because its very easy to lose…(just a matter of opinion though)</p>

<p>I just started wearing glasses like 6 months ago, and I gotta say, I love it. I like having that little extra character.</p>

<p>I’ve been using contacts for almost 2 years they’re the best! However, i wear glasses in front of computer at home, because I can’t wear lenses for so long.

  • you don’t feel them
  • they can’t get dirty(with glasses, i have to clean them all the time)
  • there is no steam on them when you’re entering from cold to hot
    not all the people look good in glasses; some look much better without
  • you have bigger view; i mean, wearing glasses you have a good view only through them, but there’s free space above, on the left, on the right etc.</p>

<li>you can’t them wear very long, you have to have glasses, too</li>
<li>they’re more expensive</li>
<li>they’re delicate</li>

<p>Funny story, actually I went to the DMV to get my permit and found out my left eye (just my left eye) is 20/70… So I had to get contacts for the first time (wore glasses when I was little) my contact (singular) is soo much easier than my glasses. I have the kind you take out and throw away every day so there’s no losing them and you don’t have to wonder if they look weird on your face since no one can see them.
The bad part is getting used to them. You have to integrate them into your am schedule and have to be comfortable touching your eye ball (it didn’t take me long but some people aren’t good at it to start) you have to remember to take them out at night (sometimes I forget and it’s like 1 am…) and your first few days it will feel really weird on your eye. I was constantly paranoid it was falling out… The other thing is that if your eye is sensitive (prone to blood vessel pops, redness) it will be kind of bad your first few times with the contacts.</p>