Convince my mother?

<p>[UA</a> Early College](<a href=“]UA”></p>

<p>TxNewCollegeMom, Napermmom, aeromom: Thank you for taking the time to post! Great information. (FYI, NIU is now off the table for Nickm56. UA will be our last college visit; we will be making the drive today. Expecting it to remind me a lot of Mizzou, but we’ll see…)</p>

<p>UA Early College offers summer residential programs for both students after both junior and senior year. High school students may apply to and enroll in online classes, or dual enrollment classes instate, at any point during their sophomore year. Previously, students were not eligible until spring of sophomore year.</p>

<p>Out of state students who meet certain stats will receive scholarships which allow them to pay in state rates for EC courses.</p>

<p>amy9998 – Hope you enjoy your visit! If you did not make arrangements in advance with Allison in the Honors College, at least be sure to drop over to Nott and pick up some literature and talk to anyone around. I learned more just be sitting in the waiting area then DS did in his meetings.</p>

<p>We also are 18 hours away. DS just turned 18 this week. Very concerned about him adjusting to a big school in which he knew no one. He not only survived 1st semester, but seems to have transitioned better than most of his high school friends. Bama faculty and staff has always been very response and very good with communication. </p>

<p>DS’ girlfriend goes to a big school in DC and has not had good response time at her school. </p>

<p>The parents on this group really help to relieve anxiety. Very good at pointing you to anything from doctor’s office to bike stores.</p>

<p>Not sure if I could be of any help putting in my thoughts. I am currently a freshman at UA and from Illinois. My mom doesn’t have empty nest syndrome, but I am her only daughter with three brothers. While it is hard being so far from home, by calling her about every other day, it is easy on both of us. I would say to talk about the finances because that was the biggest plus for my parents (I’m there on the presidential scholarship)even though I will be repaying whatever loans I have to take out. I also know people who go to some of the schools in Illinois who have only been home a couple of times more than I have. In the end, you need to love the school you are attending, and in my opinion, that is the second most important factor (under being able to afford it :slight_smile: ) Hopefully this doesn’t sound like a bunch of gibberish and it is slightly helpful.</p>

<p>Spot on, kdimitrijev! Within a price range (which should be PRE-determined and mutually agreed upon by you and your parents, BEFORE you visit/apply to ANYwhere), you’ve got to love where you’re at for 4+ years. You’ve obviously made a great choice! ;)</p>

<p>Just received my scores and…31!!! My mom and I will be planning our trip tomorrow!!! Roll ride!</p>

<p>Roll Tide! Congrats ACTHater!!!</p>

<p>Wow…nice jump!!!</p>

<p>Congrats! So happy for you!!!</p>

<p>Congrats, ACThater! I knew you would score well after Nickm56 told me about your exemplary prep work for this last exam!!</p>

<p>Thanks to both of you! I’m really excited. I guess it’s time to write my honors essay… I was waiting until scores were released to write it… Lol</p>

<p>The honors essay is easy… You don’t have to write several paras…just some sentences to introduce yourself. It has no bearing on your admittance to the HC.</p>

<p>Awesome! Thanks M2CK!</p>