Coop-Summer Study-Scholarship

<p>With a Coop, you alternate terms working and classes. For the Scholarship, you get 8 terms, and when you are doing your coop, it does not count against the 8 terms.</p>

<p>Eventually, you end up taking classes during the summer. Because you can’t earn as many credits during the summer term, you may end up needed to go an extra term to finish up.</p>

<p>For example:
Freshmen: term 1, term 2, summer doing something else
Sophomore: term 3, term 4, coop
Junior: term 5, coop, term 6 summer
Senior: coop, term7, coop
6th year: term 8, coop, term 9 summer to finish up</p>

<p>I suppose you can waive your scholarship for one of the summer terms, and pay for it from your coop earnings.</p>

<p>Any thoughts?</p>

<p>I know for some eng’g majors, this schedule will not work (at least at this time), due to the fact that only certain classes are taught only certain semesters at UA. This is a factor in part because of class sizes - there just aren’t enough students to run the upper level “specialty” classes every semester. Some of the programs are growing, and UA will probably address the possibility of offering these classes differently, to accommodate co-ops. But I believe that to be some time off in the future.</p>

<p>idk about all of the engineering majors, but i know kids in several of them that have done co-ops. you just have t plan your schedule out and make sure you can get the needed classes.</p>

Most majors will have some sort of flowchart or critical path on the school website, so you can see what courses need to be taken when. By looking up which courses are taught Spring vs Fall vs Summer terms, you can get an idea of how much you can play around with your schedule. Some of the majors will have no flexibility; others will have quite a lot. Eng’g has limited flexibility, esp Aero. The Aero program is so jam-packed with courses, that it is difficult to fit it all in in 4 years, normally. Any deviation can force you not into another semester, but into another whole year. </p>

<p>When we were considering an elite engineering college that we would have been paying $40k+ per year for (or who knows maybe $80k by the time year 5 rolls around?!), you start to question things like this. This is crazy Helmsley stuff here, but you really have to go back to early years in high school and see what you can take AP-wise way ahead of time, in order that you have some wriggle room in your college schedule in some of these majors. To not plan well ahead of time is to be paying for that 5th (or 6th)year…</p>

<p>I suppose you can waive your scholarship for one of the summer terms, and pay for it from your coop earnings.</p>

<p>It’s your choice. You do NOT have to use your scholarship for a summer term. You can if you want, or you can pay for it yourself. </p>

<p>I know that eng’g kids do co-op, so there must be a way to manage the sequence even with a co-op.</p>

<p>Note: My question is not about sequencing classes. That is a given. The issue is:</p>

<p>Assume that in order to graduate in 8 terms, you need to average 15 credits per term. In the summer, you can reasonably take 8 credits. So, each summer is only worth 1/2 a regular term.</p>

<p>If you use your scholarship for a summer term, you are only getting 1/2 the value. For scholarship purposes (8 terms), do they count summer as using a full term, or only 1/2 a term (so you have 1/2 a term you can use in the future)?</p>

<p>back in the olden days i took 12 credits in the summer. 2 classes each summer session. i think that is still the norm. so you can get 12 credits in a summer.</p>

<p>you can also take summer classes at home at CC for a low price freeing up your schedule a bit for classes at UA.</p>

<p>and if you are taking classes at CC, you can tack on a minimester in may making the summer total 15 hours.</p>

<p>can you plan your co-op so that you are working in the summers instead of going to school?</p>

<p>Summer is never counted as “half of a semester scholarship”.</p>

<p>If you take summer classes and want to use your scholarship, then you’re giving up a full semester of scholarship.</p>

<p>However, I don’t know how the 2 sessions are counted. </p>

<p>I agree with MikeW…if classes can be taken locally in the summer, probably a better idea.</p>

<p>I’m a proponent of taking classes over the summer wherever they are cheapest, with convenience being a factor. I saved a lot of money by taking summer courses in Reno for example. Lower level classes are generally easier to find offered and for less money. Class sizes may also be smaller at your local community/junior college than they would be at UA.</p>

<p>One could take 15 credits over the summer at UA as there is the May Interim (only 1 class), Summer I, and Summer II terms (2 classes each).</p>



<p>Kind of depends on when your coop ends. Does Bama treat May Interim as part of the Summer Term for Scholarship purposes?</p>

<p>May Interim is considered part of the summer and the new Winter Interim (Mid December-Early January) is considered part of the spring semester.</p>